Funky (an acrostic poem)


Fromage was the quest item he had been assigned.

Unclear as to which clump of incubated coagulated milk slurry he needed,

Neil began inspecting, poking, and smelling the cornucopia of options in front of him.

Keeping track of how each interacted with his senses to see what gave the largest stimulus

You never should have sent a lactose-intolerant art major for the task, but there he was…

Lunch (an acrostic poem)


Looking at her plate, she wondered how she had gotten here

Under the fluorescent yellow liquid cheese, a treasure trove of textures and flavors existed

Now her stomach rumbled in anticipation of the excavation ahead

Crunching a loaded tortilla chip, her tastebuds danced to the symphony of tastes

Hefting her beer and taking a swig, she smiled loving her little bit of heaven

Rodent (an acrostic poem)


Rat race?  You want to talk to me about a rat race?

Ordinarily I would tell you to pick up your cheese and go home

Don’t understand why people like you poke your nose into these parts

Everyone should have a chance to escape the maze, sure. but

Not going to stop you from getting caught in the traps strewn about

That snap will be your early finish line.  Now that’s a rat race!

A Fib (Fib #1)

A fib is a poem where each line must contain the appropriate number of syllables for its entry in the Fibonacci series.  The Fibonacci series starts out with the numbers zero and one; successive entries in the series are formed by adding the previous two (so the Fibonacci sequence starts out like 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34…).  So this is my try at a fib.




Why you?

I loved you,

And yet you dumped me.

All because of my choice of cheese,

Or my inability to cook a four star meal.

Though to be honest, I think it was that guy who fed you lies, but you said it was me.