Speech (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/loNkInxlOIY/maxresdefault.jpg

Spoken word woven with passion and distinction.

Punctuated the need for expression of the idea behind the movement.

Engaging those with ears to hear and hearts that were open.

Enraging those that had already decided they would be upset.

Canโ€™t please everyone all the time, but boy it would be nice.

Heaven knows we could use it sometimes.

Bacon (an acrostic poem)

Image: allrecipes.com/thmb/ZyYXwx4FKm3Y13OJGpUjVwx8Ftg=/1500×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/3882376-bacon-for-the-family-or-a-crowd-sanzoe-4×3-1-8711ddbb6af242f184a79e5e72efc7e3.jpg

Bring on all that smoked pork awesomeness

And let me eat till I want to oink

Can I get an amen, my piggy people?

Oh you might say I am a hog for engorging myself on the crispy pieces of heaven, and you would be correct

Now that being said, does this desire make me a cannibal?

Lunch (an acrostic poem)

Image: assets.epicurious.com/photos/601d563594dda03d42e39290/1:1/w_3337,h_3337,c_limit/breakfast-nachos-recipe-simply-julia-020521.jpg

Looking at her plate, she wondered how she had gotten here

Under the fluorescent yellow liquid cheese, a treasure trove of textures and flavors existed

Now her stomach rumbled in anticipation of the excavation ahead

Crunching a loaded tortilla chip, her tastebuds danced to the symphony of tastes

Hefting her beer and taking a swig, she smiled loving her little bit of heaven

Wait (an acrostic poem)

Watching time crawl slowly past

And wondering why you are not here

It drives me crazy as I count the seconds

To when I can join you in heaven


Image: elements-video-cover-images-0.imgix.net/files/252574320/Preview_Image_1920x1080_00000000.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=min&h=394&w=700&s=fa3242b64c8966b99c2608a779ce54be

Crispy (an acrostic poem)

Crunching greasy fried chicken

Reveling in the horribleness of it all

It was like the sound was a delectable spice

Satisfying something deep and primal

Pushing mere sustenance into something heaven sent

Yet also devil spawn for the grease stains on my shirt


Image: thespruceeats.com/thmb/35SXVVtZrx9zpOiLoSaFbRQJepc=/2048×1365/filters:fill(auto,1)/southern-oven-fried-chicken-3058647-5_preview-5b0ec6ecba61770036491ed7.jpeg

Heavenly Blues

Kortney listened to the blues floating down from heaven above.ย  In this case, heaven was Marvinโ€™s, a dive bar located on the second floor of a rundown building that seemed to have lived the hard life the lead singer was lamenting about.ย  Kortney fondly stroked the broken brick faรงade with fondness.ย  She had been coming here steady since she was old enough to fall in love.ย  The problem was Marvinโ€™s served liquor, and since Kortney had been thirteen at that time she could go no farther.

The regulars all knew her by name.ย  Hell, some of them offered to sneak her in, but today heaven was about to open up for her.ย  She took out her license and grimaced.ย  She hated her picture, but that date blazoned on it showed she was twenty-one as of today.ย  She opened the door and climbed those tired stairs, each step a religious pilgrimage.

At the top of the stairs the bouncer, Charlie, sat there on a tired looking chair.ย  He rubbed the sweat from his bald head with a paisley handkerchief.ย  โ€œHey there Kort.ย  Arenโ€™t you being a bit bold?ย  You knows the rules.โ€

Kortney gave Charlie a smile.ย  He was one of the ones always offering to sneak her in, but she never took him up on the offer.ย  She always wondered what if, but now she knew it was worth it.ย  This was worth doing it right.ย  She held out her license.ย  โ€œIโ€™m all good, sir.ย  You just check it out.โ€

Charlie laughed and waved her hand away.ย  โ€œGirl, you think I donโ€™t know what day this is?ย  Get yourself in there.โ€ย  Charlie got up and opened the door for her.

Kortney paused with her hand still out.ย  She really wanted him to check it, to see that she really had crossed the threshold, but then she accepted his acceptance into the heavenly throng.ย  She smiled a nervous smile and put her license into her handbag.ย  She then crossed the threshold.

The music caressed her with a refreshing familiarity, but with a fidelity that set her soul vibrating.ย  The bartender, Liza, nodded in Kortneyโ€™s direction and pulled a long draft, setting it on the ancient bar top. ย ย Liza pointed at the beer and then to Kortney before she turned to serve another old timer.

Kortney practically danced over to the bar.ย  When the music paused she found her voice.ย  โ€œSorry Liza, but I didnโ€™t order this.โ€

โ€œI did.ย  Itโ€™s my birthday gift to you.ย  I wouldnโ€™t worry about thinking about paying for anything tonight, girlfriend.ย  Tonight youโ€™ve come home.โ€ย  With that, Liza went back to her other customer.

Kortney picked up the beer and the band kicked into the next song.ย  She slumped onto a bar stool and sipped at her beer.ย  Heaven was better than she had ever imagined it was.


Image: oakhillgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/roadhouse1-620×310.jpg

Watch (an acrostic poem)

Wise women and men sit on mountain tops letting knowledge roll down hills

Accumulating in dry valleys dearth of sustenance, it irrigates new thoughts

Taking seed, many new thoughts and ideas germinate and grow into movements

Causing a resource struggle, killing off many, their husks choking off the life giving flow

Heaven help me as I see it happen again on my way up the hill with my bucket


Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/K2%2C_Mount_Godwin_Austen%2C_Chogori%2C_Savage_Mountain.jpg

Phoenix (an acrostic poem)

Proposing starting over again

Heaven knows I didnโ€™t want to stop before

Only I did, and the site became fallow

Everything began to crumble

Now it will rise from the ashes

I will tackle my words and make each letter my own

โ€˜Xcept that darned X!ย  Itโ€™s so difficult!!!


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