Pattern (an acrostic poem)


Putting the pieces together was her specialty.

And that’s why she was there at the crime scene.

The evidence was there in front of her.

That meant she just had to figure out how it all fit.

Even the things that seemed superfluous could be the key.

Ready to give up for a bit, she noticed something in her notes.

Now that was it!  She stated in her best detective voice, “It was Dr. Plum, in the kitchen, with the lead pipe.”

Zigzag (an acrostic poem)


Zebras scattered among the savanna grass

It made for a dizzying pattern for the approaching lioness

Giving her pause as to which way to attack

Zooming through the waving foliage, she struck out

And only managed to slap at a tail as what it was attached to scrambled away

Giving chase, her pride managed to finally take one down as the rest of the dazzle escaped

Clan (an acrostic poem)


Couldn’t wait to find out what a tartan was, he decided to visit Europe
Leaving New Jersey, he traveled to Scotland
And promised himself he would get a kilt of it as soon as he knew which pattern was the right one
Not understanding that they didn’t have tartans for Americans