Slip (an acrostic poem)


Sliding down the road

Looking for traction among the glittering ice

Invoking different deities for divine intervention

Pounding to a stop in a snowbank ends the wild ride

The Digital Downfall (a 200 word story)


We didn’t even know we were being conquered. 

How about that for humanity’s divine right?

First shoe to drop was when Amazon just went dark.  Like not even a 404-error dark.  A spinning wheel of painful waiting torture was the only eulogy for what was king the day before. 

Facebook and Twitter were soon only posting stories about end of the world scenarios.  Left wing, right wing, any crackpot scenario of the end of the world was jamming everyone’s feeds.  Reddit was the same, no matter the voting of the members.  Hell, 4chan was even doing it.  Like what the hell, 4chan?

The aliens took over so smoothly that by the time we realized what was happening the only thing we could do was to surrender.  Any attempt at pulling the plug and they would go all Terminator on us.  We expected the AIs we would be fighting would be the ones we created, but we were naive.  The alien AIs controlled every digital system on the planet.  The best part was we were all home waiting for COVID-19 to be cured, but the virus that killed off the autonomy of the human race was digital.  No mask for that.

Trial (an acrostic poem)

Tribulations were the least of Lydia’s worries

Racing against the end of days was a real thing

If she was successful, everyone would survive

And if she failed, well, that really wasn’t an option

Lifting her eyes to seek whatever divine help she could she entered the fray



Drastic (an acrostic poem)

Dominic looked out over the battlefield

Rational people didn’t go to battle willingly

Armies ran on true belief

Simply put that training and divine luck would get you through alive

That was proven wrong day after day

It still amazed Dominic that people volunteered to do this and had faith in him

Could be the canons he had aimed at the back of his troops also helped



Divine (an acrostic poem)

Donald thought she looked like an angel

It almost made him hurt how much he wanted her

Vivid ideas about what would happen if they met

Instantly flooded his hormone soaked brain

Nothing would make him not think she was a gift from God

Even when she spread her wings and ripped out his soul

