Analyse (an acrostic poem)


And when he looked deeper into the data, patterns emerged.

Nothing seemed to make sense, but there was order in the chaos.

And he knew he had something there.

Leveraging his AI bots didn’t seem to help, but they did eliminate some false paths.

Yeah, now he was getting closer to solving this puzzle.

So when he finally figured it out, he screamed out loud.

Evidently he had programmed a small glitch so the data meant nothing!

Spike (an acrostic poem)


So many thorns that he couldn’t touch without being pricked intimidated him

Perhaps that was what was intended, but he wouldn’t let that deter him

It just made the pursuit of that simple touch that much more exciting

Knowing one false move, one wrong twitch would leave him sore and bleeding

Except when he finally got through and she smiled… it was worth all the pain

Push (an acrostic poem)

People are always looking for an angle, an easy way in or out

Undermining their altruistic public face

So sick of false narratives that sell whitewashed souls

Hey maybe it’s time to shove back



Parade (an acrostic poem)

Perhaps the usual suspects were sick of being usual

And that’s why they decided this time it was going to be their fault

Rather than letting the latest false accusation by the principal go by

As they piled penny after penny into the door jam

Determined to trap him and show how they felt under his constant persecution

Except he wasn’t there.  The next day he gave them his two cents, with interest

