Shout (an acrostic poem)

Slipping my voice into projection mode

Heaving my words into the void

Ordering the world to pay attention to me

Understanding that I’m just adding to the cacophony

Though it does make me feel better   :>)



Yell (an acrostic poem)

You shout into the wind until you have to steal some or pass out

Every part of your being is still so upset.  You bow your head down

Lamenting how life can be so unfair, it almost crushes your spirit

Lifting back up your head you begin to scream once more



Shout (an acrostic poem)

Standing firm in what he knew he needed to do, oblivious of physical demands

He loudly proclaimed his message of doom to all those that would hear

Obviously ignoring to the snickers and rude comments of the passers-by

Unable to understand why his message did not find fertile soil

The stain on his trousers spoke louder.

