Hint (an acrostic poem)

Image: mtzion.lib.il.us/kids-teens/question-mark.jpg/@@images/image.jpeg

Her bemused smirk told him he was being made fun of

It didn’t help though, since if he asked about its meaning she would belittle him even more

Now if she made up the whole thing, well if he let that go she would hold that against him for years

That’s why he studied her. Was hent even a word? He hoped she would give him even the slightest…

Envelope (an acrostic poem)

Image: 1.bp.blogspot.com/-jHziwQsq_IQ/W_F2rWM0lII/AAAAAAAAGFY/aseNyB205cM1-3dAoGsaLYXx_t0qIlR3QCLcBGAs/s1600/sealing%2Bwax.jpg

Ever wonder what’s inside?

Not opening it, but imagining the contents.

Viewing it held up to the light to get a hint.

Everything telling you not to open it.

Laying it down on the desk you try to walk away

Only you can’t.

Pushing you to your breaking point until you give up and rip the seal

Everything changes in that moment.

Thirst (an acrostic poem)

Too many times he had gone back to the pump

He was doing it again even now

It wasn’t going to change anything.  The water wouldn’t be there

Reaching for the ancient handle, he pumped it up and down vigorously

Staring at the dusty spout, begging for a hint of liquid to form at its edge

They found him there two weeks later still searching for a drink


Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/An_old_Hand_Pump_at_Yeleswaram.jpg