Bamboozled (an acrostic poem)


Belief is a tricky piece of human psychology.

A trust in something that has not or can not be verified is powerful, but also kryptonite.

Many people have a healthy relationship with their belief, their faith.

But there are times that trust is manipulated until it is a parody of the place they started from.

Obliterating the good and amplifying the bad.

Ostracizing the norms and embracing the idea of assuming the knowledge of absolute right.

Zipping right by the idea of respecting the other.

Looping a noose around their neck instead and attempting to pull them along.

Either they become a convert or a casualty, you don’t win either way

Determined to bring what you know is true, what has to be true, because your too smart to be…

Quarter (an acrostic conversation)


Questioning what I do will cost you more.”

Uh, why do you say that?”

As you waste my time asking me, the expert you hired, stupid questions, my price goes up.”

Reasonable, but that isn’t a good working relationship.”

This isn’t a coworker situation. We have an employer-employee situation.”

Except that always ends in a toxic work environment. We need to have a de-escalation training.”

Really? You think that? I quit! You can take your two bits and shove them!”

Note: two bits = 1 quarter

Valentine’s Day Special (a 100 word story)


Bob pruned his dying orchid while contemplating Valentine’s Day.  He hated the “holiday” with more passion than he felt about any relationship he had ever been in.  The only redeeming quality was the reduced-price chocolates the next day.  He popped one such morsel in his mouth as he moved to the next morbid plant, one given to him by his ex.  That’s when he had an epiphany!  He knew how to make Valentine’s Day special for everyone.  The following year he made ten thousand dollars selling dead flowers and bouquets to people who wanted that special something… for their ex.

Magnetic (an acrostic poem)


Mutual attraction brought the two of them together

And once they touched, they were inseparable

Giving those around them uneasy feelings

Not because of their intense connection

Explicitly because they were so opposite of each other

Their friends thought any day now the relationship would explode

It didn’t dawn on them that the couples’ differences were what united them

Causing their two halves to truly be one whole

Farmer (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on giving to the earth

Allowing one to receive many fold more in return

Relying on the rhythms of the weather

Memorizing the song of rain and sun, growth and decay

Everything a relationship with the soil and the sky

Results in a labor of love

Rail (an acrostic poem)


Reaching from one horizon to the other

A pair of dull gray arms hug the hard-compacted earth underneath

Iron spikes cement the bond of their timeless relationship

Lasting valentine to the age of steam

Storm (an acrostic poem)


Stabbing light slashed down from stone-gray clouds

The weather perfectly fit Patty’s mood as fat raindrops ravaged the arid soil

Outside nature threw one of her best temper tantrums

Reminding Patty of her last relationship when she finally broke it off

Men could be such whiners

Karma Conversation (a 200 word dialog)

“She’s the girl of my dreams.”

“You must be daft!  This is the girl who threw away your baseball card collection.”

“Yeah, she did do that.”

“And she was the one who made you get rid of your dog because she didn’t want the fur on her white carpet.”

“True.  She did do that.”

“She had to buy her Corvette which is why you that P.O.S. out in the parking lot.”


“Piece of”

“Ah, got it.  Yeah.  She does love that car.”

“And she stabbed you in the back by sleeping with your boss.  How can she be the girl of your dreams?”

“Oh, I meant nightmares.”

“Now that I can understand.  So tell me, why are you still with her?”

“I may have found the worst possible relationship, but that makes everything else seem so much better.  I can look at dropping out of college, working this crappy job, and realizing I’m not going to accomplish any of my childhood dreams and feel some sort of contentment.  It’s like I’m telling karma to go fuck off because I got this, so just hold my beer.”

“So let me see if I understand.  The sex is that good?”




Salty (an acrostic poem)

Spewing swearwords at his partner

A lively discussion deteriorated into a verbal brawl

Leaving their relationship listless on the brackish waters of their tears

To think how fast something so spicy had lost all flavor

Yet it now left a sour taste in his mouth



Rejected (an acrostic poem)

Rarely was Perry at a loss for words

Everything came easy to him, sometimes too easy

Jumping from relationship to relationship, never overplaying his hand

Eventually he was going to make a mistake

Clarice was the one that got away

That’s what attracted him to her, that she pushed him away

Embarrassing him by pointing out he was not the perfect one for her

Damned if she was right, but it still hurt

