Funds (an acrostic poem)


Finding money was always the problem.

Unless the problem was being too rich, but I haven’t experienced that particular permutation.

Now with more being broken every day, including myself, well a dollar breaks before it stretches.

Doesn’t matter if you pinch pennies when dollars are the lowest common denominator.

So all you need is love, until you want a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread, and then?

Market (an acrostic poem)


Meaning to go grab some milk and bread

Allowing himself just a quick peek at one more thing

Realizing that his cart was full when he came to his senses

Knowing he should just put it all back

Except most of it was on sale

That means less to buy tomorrow?



Whispers (an acrostic poem)

Waiting to hear your voice again

How is it I can’t remember it

I thought I would never be able to forget

Still I saved your last voicemail

Purposely so I would have at least one part of you with me

Even if it only said something about getting milk, you did say you loved me

Right now I would give anything to hear that again

Should have backed up my phone



Spilled Milk!

Some people say don’t cry over spilled milk, but I ask you, why not?  What if that was the last of your milk and you still have one more cookie?  Would that be worth crying over?  How about if that cup of spilled milk was actually smashed over your head by a large man whom you just met, especially if it was over you taking the last cookie from him?  What about if that spilled milk contained a miracle cure for aging where you would never grow old, and you were just about to drink to your perpetual health with a celebratory cookie you had taken from a large man you had just met and didn’t quite understand why he seemed so loud?

Don’t tell me not to cry over spilled milk.  Now I’m going to go eat my cookie with my black eye all by myself as I watch my precious moments on this earth evaporate away just like the life giving milk in front of me.