Dubia (an acrostic conversation)

Image: artnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/GettyImages-939068604.jpg

Do you know what I mean by pene parva?”

Uh, no.  What you said was gibberish.”

Because I bespoke in the mother tongue, you uneducated heathen.”

I am not a heathen, I’m just uneducated.”

And as such, you also exude pene parva energy while being pene parva.”

Builder (an acrostic poem)

Image: image-us.pplusstatic.com/thumbnails/photos/w1920-q80/marquee/1035369/bobc_sp_hero_landscape.jpg

Boosting those around her every day

Underpinning the sagging self-worth of the masses

It was a never-ending battle against the entropy of existence

Leaving her drained every evening when she went to bed

Drifting to sleep while praying that she could do more

Everyone was amazed how much one woman could do

Remarkable a mother could do

Plead (an acrostic poem)

Image: dbclemons.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/pleadinghands2.jpg

Perhaps there is another way to do this

Let me give you something as a reward for making this happen

Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

And what if it was your mother who was in my situation?

Don’t make me eat pineapple on my pizza! I ordered it by mistake!

(FYI I love pineapple on my pizza.)

Clean Up (an acrostic poem)

Confounded by all the dirt and grime

Leon threw down his mop and sunk to the floor

Eleven hours from now his mother would be visiting

And everything will be scrutinized for perfection

Now he knew that perfection wasn’t going to happen


Ursula swept into the apartment, but all she did was give Leon a hug

Pushing aside the dirt and grime of his worries and making his smile sparkle


Image: orcasrental.com/images/mop-and-bucket.jpg

Mother (an acrostic poem)

This is an old one, but still rings true to me each year.  I think this is the only poem on my site I have reposted.  Now I do it for the second time.  I hope you enjoy.  The original title was “My Favorite Superhero”.


Mortal though she may be

Obviously she has super powers

The ability to absorb pain and suffering with a single kiss

Hearing so acute that she doesn’t miss a whisper from a mile away

Eyesight so keen that she can actually see through and around solid objects

Remember that your mom is a superhero!