Prime (an acrostic poem)


Putting all her chips on lucky thirteen.

Roulette rewarded the three to five people who carried luck in their back pocket.

It made one wonder if they were a part of that club.

Maybe it was too much to count on since her skirt didn’t even have a front pocket, much less two.

Eventually, the ball landed on eleven, ending her night.  Time to hit the buffet and eat some of that beef.

Creature (an acrostic poem)


Capricious thoughts scatter across his mental landscape

Reason and emotion decorate his headspace with the creative and the banal

Everything coalescing into a morass of possibilities and probabilities

A prime candidate for the existence of a higher purpose

That life is not just reacting to environmental stimuli and hormones

Unless it concerned her smirk

Reducing everything to its most primal place

Especially as she purred, kneading him, keeping him awake