Protest (an acrostic poem)


Putting your beliefs out there for all to see

Rallying among people of like mind

Order out of the chaos of the moment

That’s when the cause can gain momentum

Engaging those that were on the fence

Such that the need would codify into a moment written about in history books

That future gatherings would morph into celebration

Atlas (an acrostic poem)


All of Jessie’s life could be seen in the lines engraved into his face

They told of the many laughs and smiles, the tears and anger, written throughout the years  

Looking in the mirror, he reminisced a life lived hard

As he traced those wrinkles, he wondered about the upcoming Botox injection and smoothing it all over

Soul searching if he really wanted to lose that history…  Jessie left with his map intact

Dome (an acrostic poem)


Dim stars twinkled from far overhead

Overwhelming ancient history is written in those heavens

Mary contemplated how her short existence fit in all of that

Eventually, she embraced her cousins since they were all made of the dust of creation



Tattoo (an acrostic poem)

The story of his life was written on living parchment

A diary of a man written on the one who lived it

The lows and the highs were treated equally

The whole thing was amazing to behold

Originally she just wanted to see it out of simple curiosity

Only now she was engrossed in who was written there

