Snack (an acrostic poem)

So what if he was hungry?

No one cared, no matter how much he bitched and moaned

And yet he expected her to do something about it

Couldn’t he tell she was hungry as well, and when she was hungry she became a monster.

Kettle was soon bubbling, releasing yummy smells into the air.  She was gonna eat well tonight, she was!

Salty (an acrostic poem)


Swearing up a blue streak was her pressure relief mechanism

And she needed all the relief she could get tonight

Little did she know her ex was going to be there with his super-model girlfriend

That’s when she knew she had to do something to assert dominance

Yet loosening the tops to the seasoning shakers were probably not the route to go

Slice (an acrostic poem)

She held the knife in two hands like a samurai sword.

Looking at the watermelon, her sworn enemy, she bowed her head.

It was going to be a battle to the death, but she didn’t feel like dying tonight!

Cutting deftly, the watermelon never had a chance and soon it was bleeding chunks on her counter.

Extremely happy with herself, she popped a piece in her mouth and spit out the seeds.

Cocktails (an acrostic poem)


Can’t figure out which flavor of Daquiri she wanted

Of course there was the Classic Martini, or one of a hundred permutations

Can’t forget the Old Fashioned, but she thought she wanted something newer

Kicking back a Whiskey Sour might put a nice pucker on her lips

Though maybe some bubbles with a Moscow Mule

Ah, or going tropical and hit up a Mai Tai

If not perhaps a Sloe Gin Fizz would hit the nostalgic spot, but not tonight

Leading her to decide on a Rum and Coke since sometimes simple is better

She was sad when her drink disappeared after she misplaced it moments later.

Ration (an acrostic poem)


Reaching into the sack, he handed his daughter a small potato

And her look of disappointment hurt his heart so much

That was the best he could do, at least she would have something in her tummy tonight

If he could do more, he would

Only if he gave her more now, she would go without later that week

Now to bully his hunger into being quiet until he got her to bed

Energy (an acrostic poem)


Eventually the tiredness had to break, right?

No way he could be this tired for this long.

Everything seemed such an effort, even blinking!

Reaching for his sixth Monster, he pounded it back.

Going to be a long shift tonight. Good thing he had a twelve pack.

Yet he wondered if that would be enough.