Canyon (an acrostic poem)


Claustrophobic tall walls keep closing in the farther he fled

As he rounded a corner, he came to a sheer cliff face announcing it was the end of the road

Now all he could do was turn around and confront his greatest fear

Years had passed since the last time he had faced the gunslinger

On that occasion. he had escaped with only losing his dignity

Now it was time to pay for all those years of running…  A single shot echoed.

Optics (an acrostic poem)


Over the years, she realized her vision was deteriorating

Putting reading into the group of activities that were getting hard to do

That was a huge penalty to getting older

It made her mad at the universe for allowing this to happen, but to no avail

Collapsing her into a deep depression that echoed her depleting eyesight.

So it surprised everyone around her when she would not put on her damn glasses