Mark (an acrostic poem)


Many hands make the chore light

And that was his philosophy through life

Reaching out with his hands to help all those he could

Keeping to this up even as he passed, so many came to celebrate him, it made his passing easier.

Canyon (an acrostic poem)


Claustrophobic tall walls keep closing in the farther he fled

As he rounded a corner, he came to a sheer cliff face announcing it was the end of the road

Now all he could do was turn around and confront his greatest fear

Years had passed since the last time he had faced the gunslinger

On that occasion. he had escaped with only losing his dignity

Now it was time to pay for all those years of running…  A single shot echoed.

Grit (an acrostic poem)


Given she was down at least a pint and a half of blood

Really, she should be passed out on the ground

Instead, she looked the creature in the eye and growled

That’s what finally broke the monster and it fled into the darkness

Slow (an acrostic poem)


So many people just passed her by

Like she was mentally standing still

Outside their assumptions were correct

When you stopped and listened, you realized she was lightyears ahead.

