Message (an acrostic poem)


Making vague marks upon my vellum

Exaggerating nothing and perhaps everything.

Scribbles perhaps more profound than bible verses.

Scribbles perhaps filled to the brim with silliness and absurdity.

All of it sprinkled with truer-than-life fiction.

Giving a weight to the paper that no old wind could flutter

Except no one will ever be able to decipher its…

Chalk (an acrostic poem)


Calcium carbonate dyed bright colors

Has been applied to sidewalks and parking lots

A message of thankfulness and hope

Left for those on the front lines of this epidemic

Keeping a smile on their masked faces



Shout (an acrostic poem)

Standing firm in what he knew he needed to do, oblivious of physical demands

He loudly proclaimed his message of doom to all those that would hear

Obviously ignoring to the snickers and rude comments of the passers-by

Unable to understand why his message did not find fertile soil

The stain on his trousers spoke louder.

