Maker (an acrostic poem)


Magic wasn’t going to happen if he didn’t get his buns in gear.

And yet he sat there with a brush in his hand and an empty canvas in front of him.

Keeping his mind in suspense as his imagination decided at that moment to go get a sandwich.

Everything he tried to get over that impasse seemed to make matters worse.

Reaching for a drink, he gestured at the canvas.  “You live for another day.  I think I’ll bake bread instead!”

Mini (an acrostic poem)


Maximizing his profits caused him to find savings everywhere

If it could be downsized, he would do it.  Single-ply toilet paper, cold cuts instead of a sub sandwich

Never paying for a hotel room, but instead opting for an overnight parking garage

It wasn’t so bad, but he was a six-foot-eight-inch dude who drove a …

Lunch (an acrostic poem)


Looking at his sandwich, he wondered if there was a better way

Unless sliced bread was the height of sandwich technology

Now he pulled out notebook and began drawing diagrams and writing notes

Completing one design before discarding it for the next, and after some time many pages were filled with scribbles

However, soon the clock told him to go back to work, and the sandwich was still there, taunting him

Three Wishes (an acrostic poem)

To think that the world could be his never entered Matt’s brain

He thought hard then began to come up with his want list

Really all he needed was a ham sandwich at that moment

Everything else seemed secondary

Except he did want a collie as well


When he was done with those two, he thought about his last one

It should be something important

Something that could make a difference to everyone he met

He thought really really hard

Eventually he came up with what he thought would do best

So he asked to make anyone smile if he showed them his own

