Maker (an acrostic poem)


Magic wasn’t going to happen if he didn’t get his buns in gear.

And yet he sat there with a brush in his hand and an empty canvas in front of him.

Keeping his mind in suspense as his imagination decided at that moment to go get a sandwich.

Everything he tried to get over that impasse seemed to make matters worse.

Reaching for a drink, he gestured at the canvas.  “You live for another day.  I think I’ll bake bread instead!”

Gears (an acrostic poem)


Getting her teenager to work around the house was always a chore

Every day they would go round and round each other, grinding away

And eventually, it would torque the two of them right off and nothing would get done

Reaching into her emergency chocolate stash she wondered how she could lubricate the situation

She ended up giving them a peace offering from her stash and that allowed the two of them to switch …

Gear (an acrostic poem)


Grabbing all the bits and bobs he might need for creation

Everything, of course, except the right batteries

And once it was together, he had no way to test it

Reaching for some wires he hot glued them onto the wrong batteries and voila!

*Do not try this. I am not condoning this. Even though it might work.

Disgusting (an acrostic poem)


Dominic looked at his fouled sneakers

It had started so simply that morning

Snuggling in his warm covers as the sunlight crept into the window

Getting up he put on his running gear and headed out to the trail

Under the red and orange leaves he began to jog

Soon his breath was ragged as he pushed himself harder and farther

That was when he felt that dreaded hard intestinal clenching

It made him stop and look around, but there were people everywhere

Now he tried to walk back, but about half way there he lost the battle

Giving the term “the runs” an added meaning

Go For It (an acrostic poem)

Green traffic light cuts the darkness

Opening the way for me


Feeling the pavement pass under my wheels

Outside becomes surreal

Racing through this new reality


Itching to shift it into the next gear

Throwing caution to the wind, I do it

