Peel (an acrostic poem)


Prying back her man’s rough outer layer

Exposed the fact that he was surprisingly human

Except she didn’t want to believe that

Lifting his freshly stilled heart out of the way, she continued to look for essence of monster

Stitch (an acrostic poem)


Systematic suturing of her emotional wounds

The pain of sewing the gash to her psyche was almost unbearable

It continued to throb years later, but the echoes of the horrific laceration kept getting weaker

They left the itch of wanting to see if she had healed enough yet

Cutting loose and pulling out each piece of mental floss

Her battle scar, now exposed, made her proud of not only surviving but healing

Grand (an acrostic poem)


Greg knew how to make quite an entrance

Radiating the machismo that defined 70’s porn stars

Allowing the room to take in his exposed furry chest

Nobody ever forgot that sight, ever

Despite paying their therapist many many ….



Push (an acrostic poem) part 1

Penny jogged down the block, her iPhone drowning out the world

Under all that workout sweat her blood ran cold

Someone had left a note explaining what she had to do to not be exposed

Her job was now to decide to murder or be murdered

