Crayon (an acrostic poem)


Crayola’s yellow box made his eyes go wide.

Realizing all one hundred twenty colors inside were his to work with.

And that thought had him wondering what he should color first.

Yukon forests?  Dragons breathing fire on a horde of gold? Something from the Matrix?

Of course, he could let his imagination run wild and do something totally out of the box.

Next moment he was using a heat gun to make a three-dimensional sunset!

Uh-Oh (an acrostic poem)


Unbeknownst to him, the fix was in for the card game

His opponents had stacked the deck and bought the dealer’s conscience

Once the hand was dealt, he didn’t even look and went all in.  They all smiled as they joined him.

He revealed his cards with his right hand and his gun with his left.  Both gave him the win   

Clueless (an acrostic poem)

Clark studied the scene in front of him

Little things seemed out of place, but there was no smoking gun

Undeterred, he knew he would crack the case

Eventually, something would click

Leaving the perpetrator unmasked

Every murderer made a mistake, like leaving the murder weapon

Soon as Clark found it he would be one step closer

Sarah sighed when she had to point out the knife in the corpse’s back



Scream (a 150 word story)

The click of an empty chamber fell upon recently deafened ears.  It was finally over, or at least Margret hoped so.  Then there was the creak of a door opening downstairs.  She dove under her bed.  She had dropped a couple of rounds when loading last time.  She just needed to find them.

The stairs creaked and groaned as the cause of the noise climbed to the second floor.

Margret’s searching hand slapped away a smooth metallic object.  She stifled a curse and pulled herself further under the bed.

The door to the bedroom opened.

Margret felt tears fall from her chin.  She closed her eyes and said a prayer.  Her hand still searching, her fingers found the fallen round.  She slowly opened the chamber and slid it in.  She frantically tried to locate her assailant.

The floor creaked.

Something grabbed her ankles and pulled.

She never got to scream.



Nightmare (an acrostic poem)

New sounds erupted from behind Marc

It spurred him to run even faster

Gun shots rang out, shattering the asphalt on either side of him

He made a hard right turn to get some cover from a parked Hummer

The tires on the vehicle soon flattened

Marc fumbled for his gun before peaking up above the hood

A silence descended on the scene, and Marc couldn’t see his assailants

Rapidly his heart hammered as he waited for a target

Everything exploded when his alarm went off and he woke up



Demon Slayer (a 100 word story)

I put one more shovelful of dirt over her grave.  The ground looks like hell, and it should.  She was a demon that possessed me.  I worry about her being found and released from her grave to haunt me.  I can hear the rumble of thunder in the distance, though for a moment I worry it is the armies of Hell with her as their general coming to exact revenge.  I laugh at the storm and pull out my gun.  I have killed the devil.  I put the gun to my head and pull the trigger to receive my reward.

Acrostic Poem #1

I found a writing prompt on reddit to write an acrositic poem based on mythology or proverbs.  I decided to go in a slightly different direction.  :>)  For those of you that don’t know…

Acrostic: An acrostic is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.


Until Nancy pressed the trigger, I didn’t think she could do it

Nancy was always the good girl

Faithful, loving, caring, never hurt a fly

Always the person who would go the extra mile

I watched as Eveline’s body pumped dark red blood onto the rug

Too surprised to do anything, I just sat there and recorded

Her soul leaving her eyes, those perfect emeralds

Furious, Nancy turned the Colt 45 toward me.

Until that moment I hadn’t regretted what I had did.

Lust ended as our two pools of blood intermingled on the carpet