Speech (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/loNkInxlOIY/maxresdefault.jpg

Spoken word woven with passion and distinction.

Punctuated the need for expression of the idea behind the movement.

Engaging those with ears to hear and hearts that were open.

Enraging those that had already decided they would be upset.

Can’t please everyone all the time, but boy it would be nice.

Heaven knows we could use it sometimes.

Cats (an acrostic poem)

Image: s3.amazonaws.com/static.organiclead.com/Site-f491fa30-109b-4b7e-9a80-a2b6e981dfc4/blog/kittens_555822_960_720.jpg

Celebrating how useful humans were.

As they once again put down food for us to eat.

The fact that they were useful as back scratchers was a bonus.

So why did they get so upset when tested if gravity was still there?