Veil (an acrostic poem)


Viewing life through a gauzy sheet of emotions

Everything was fuzzy and slightly off color

It made things less scary and more comfy

Living that way also meant never really knowing what was real

Festival (an acrostic poem)


Feasting on some tasty thigh meat

Ernie thought this celebration during Yuletide was the best

As there were so many yummy dishes to choose from

The more unusual the better, of course, to a gastronome like himself

It was for this particular moment that he wrote that silly repetitious song so long ago

Vivid imagery that was in the song focused on each of the dozen dishes that he now partook

And it always made him laugh when he crossed the Veil and heard one of the meat sacks sing it

Lifting another hunk of milkmaid on top of his piece drummer, he hummed “five golden rings…”

West (an acrostic poem)


Watching the sun make its escape as it sinks beneath the horizon

Everything becomes more magical in that twilight moment

Snippets and whispers of other realms peek from beyond the veil

That opportunity sets as darkness brings down the curtain

Shade (an acrostic poem)

Shadows danced in his eyes, and that’s what mesmerized her

He haunted her every waking moment, and then those dreams

Any difference between dream and reality were very slight variations

Darkening her ability to keep a coherent thought

Eventually, his veil was lifted, but it was too late for her

