Charge (an acrostic poem)


Currents in the air made the hairs on her arms stand. She looked up at the figure she knelt in front of

He placed his hands on her head and she felt an electric jolt.

Arise and know that you are now in my service, he said.

Reaching for her sword, he pulled it out of its sheath and sliced open his palm, spilling his blood.

Giving the bloodied blade to her, he finished, “Now go forth and avenge me and my family.”

Everything went white and when the light faded, the woman found herself in the graveyard, alone. 

Cold (an acrostic poem)


Chill hung in the air and in her heart as she observed the frozen landscape.

Only fools and the desperate would be out in this mess.

Leaving her to wonder which one she was.  Maybe she was both.

Dead bodies weren’t going to hide themselves, though, so out into the tundra she skied.

Paradise (an acrostic poem)


Putting my toes in the ocean with the wind in my hair and the heavy scent of salt in the air

And if not then a crystal clear lake with cabins and joy all around

Rural roads with mile upon mile of fresh blacktop and not a car in sight

A strong wind during twilight bringing the fresh smell of a coming storm

Dark night under the stars, friends to either side sharing stories and jokes

Icy cold in contrast to a bright sun reflecting off a virgin snowfall

Surreally painted skies at the beach, good tunes on the radio, watching the sun sink slowly off stage west

Everyone should occasionally go to their special place to recharge their soul in their own …

Tempo (an acrostic poem)


The faster he beat the air, the more chaotic they seemed to play.

Everyone following their own beat, toes tapping in irregular rhythms.

Melody and harmony intertwined in ways not intended by any involved in its creation.

Pushing those in the audience to cringe and squirm in their seats.

Obviously, the following ovation was intense.  The musicians were kids after all.

Salty (an acrostic poem)


Seasoning was the key to all great cooking

And he wanted to be known as a Master Chef

Leaving the galley kitchen, he went on deck and breathed in the sea air

That’s when one of the junior officers made a snide remark about breakfast

Yelling obscenities back was probably not a good idea, he realized, as he washed all the dishes

Chilly (an acrostic poem)


Cold permeated the air as it dripped through the walls.

His teeth chattered comically, so he put on a third sweatshirt.

It couldn’t get more miserable. could it?

Looking at the water pipes overhead, yes, it could.

Leaving his basement, he contemplated the empty fireplace.

Yeah, maybe he didn’t need the couch anymore.

Snack (an acrostic poem)

So what if he was hungry?

No one cared, no matter how much he bitched and moaned

And yet he expected her to do something about it

Couldn’t he tell she was hungry as well, and when she was hungry she became a monster.

Kettle was soon bubbling, releasing yummy smells into the air.  She was gonna eat well tonight, she was!

Yawn (an acrostic poem)


You open your mouth wide open

And nothing but air and odd noises escape

Whisking away a contagious bit of tiredness and projecting it into the world

Never ending as it spreads, until one day the whole universe falls asleep

Height (an acrostic poem)


How high in the air was he right now?

Everything looked like it was so far away

It made him giggle with glee.

Gesturing he asked her, “Is this how you see everything?”

Her slap to his shoulder threw him off balance.  “Why did you do that?”

That’s when she took her glasses off his face.