Share (an acrostic conversation)

So I shouldn’t contribute by telling them about my latest bowel movement?”

How should I parcel out this… No!”

And why not.  They showed interest by asking.  I was being honest.”

Really people don’t care about your experience when they ask that.  They are just being polite”

Evidently so, but I refuse to capitulate to your norms.  I was brought up to…”

Coin (an acrostic poem)


Can’t find the right currency to buy your love

Oh, I’ve tried to earn your interest

I just can’t make heads or tails of what you really want and

Now you’ve left me emotionally bankrupt

Fruits (an acrostic conversation)


Focus on the cornucopia of sweetness in front of you”

Really dude?  It’s like oranges, bananas, and like coconuts.”

Unless you learn to see the totality of sweet vitamins and minerals you will be lost in carbs”

Isn’t that stuff loaded with carbs?  Like, that’s why it’s sweet, dude.”

That may be true.  Can I interest you in a zucchini?”

Stay far away from me with that thing.  You might poke an eye out.”

Parade (an acrostic poem)

Perhaps the usual suspects were sick of being usual

And that’s why they decided this time it was going to be their fault

Rather than letting the latest false accusation by the principal go by

As they piled penny after penny into the door jam

Determined to trap him and show how they felt under his constant persecution

Except he wasn’t there.  The next day he gave them his two cents, with interest

