Attack (an acrostic poem)


An army to the east and another to the west

That made his position in the middle very problematic

The command had told him to flee and save as many of his troops as he could

And that was tempting, but this was the small town his wife had grown up in

Couldn’t leave her family and friends to become at most a footnote in history

Knowing it was futile, he gave the order to charge. Maybe it would give them enough time to escape.

Trip (an acrostic poem)


The idea of traveling to Athens, London, and Paris was his ultimate dream
Reality was more of nightmare since he couldn’t afford gas to get across town
It was this that consumed his thoughts as he walked to his minimum wage job
Punishing himself for his lack of mobility, he didn’t see the curb in time, and soon he finally went for a …

Whole (an acrostic poem)


When the ground opened up, it swallowed the entire town.

How could such a thing happen without any warning?

Oh, and the hole kept getting bigger and bigger

Leaving an ever-growing scar across the landscape

Everyone was horrified as they turned the next page of Stephen King’s newest book

Legend (an acrostic poem)


Leaving it all behind was going to be hard

Everyone knew her name, her story

Giving up everything to save their nation and their world

Eventually losing her left eye and arm in the dragon’s fire

Now she quietly sits in the town square every day and enjoys what sun there is

Determined to let her legacy pass into myth and…

Green Power (an acrostic poem)

Getting your start in a new subject was never easy

Retching the contents of her stomach emphasized that

Eventually, she wandered back to the festivities at the town square

Everyone had finished setting up their ecological project posters

Now that made her more envious than she thought possible.


Pushing that all aside she still had a strong project

Oil didn’t have clout here unless you put olive in front of it, which she did

When the judging panel saw her project on using it to make electricity

Even the capability to use nasty congealed stuff from the local restaurants

Really it was impossible not to see its potential so she came in first

