Charge (an acrostic poem)


Currents in the air made the hairs on her arms stand. She looked up at the figure she knelt in front of

He placed his hands on her head and she felt an electric jolt.

Arise and know that you are now in my service, he said.

Reaching for her sword, he pulled it out of its sheath and sliced open his palm, spilling his blood.

Giving the bloodied blade to her, he finished, “Now go forth and avenge me and my family.”

Everything went white and when the light faded, the woman found herself in the graveyard, alone. 

Cork (an acrostic poem)


Cutlass sang as it was pulled from its sheath
Ordering everyone to pay attention to what was about to happen
Raising the bottle high, he slammed the blade upward
Kealhauling the glass top away, and with it, it carried the …

Blade (an acrostic poem)


Beware and respect her razor-sharp edge

Lest you take her for granted and she cuts you up

And watches as you bleed out in front of her

Don’t ever question her temper

Even though she may bend, she will never break

Forget the Cookies (a 200 word story)

I remember the child sitting on my lap.  “What would it take for you to do this one thing for me?” he had asked.  They warn you about this when you join the corps, but it still amazes you when you hear it.

That’s why I stopped in my tracks and thought hard once I was in the man’s bedroom.  What the kid was asking me to do came naturally.  Still, I hated the son of a bitch for what he had done to the boy, so I wanted to gift the man something more.  All it would take is a slight twitch and justice would be served.  I had killed many a person, young and old, male and female, but never while they slept, not in cold blood.  That was not who I was, at least not now.

I sheathed my blade and left his son’s note.  I thought about leaving a bit of coal behind to emphasize that I saw his naughty ass and if I had wanted he would have been mine, but I am a man of the red cloth.  “What would it take?  I may only play a saint, but a devil I am not.”

