Radiate (an acrostic poem)

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Sun-in-the-sky.jpg

Revealing light streams over the landscape

Abstract shapes resolve into the finite

Dictating reality to manifest yet again

It warmed her heart every time it happened

As the sun slowly eased itself above the threshold of the horizon

The green flash announcing its next jaunt across the sky

Exciting her eyes with the potential of a new chance, a new day

Canyon (an acrostic poem)

Image: nps.gov/dino/planyourvisit/images/Box-Canyon-Trail_1.jpg

Claustrophobic tall walls keep closing in the farther he fled

As he rounded a corner, he came to a sheer cliff face announcing it was the end of the road

Now all he could do was turn around and confront his greatest fear

Years had passed since the last time he had faced the gunslinger

On that occasion. he had escaped with only losing his dignity

Now it was time to pay for all those years of running…  A single shot echoed.

Dance (an acrostic poem)

Image: oneriverpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ORP-latin-club-dancing.jpg

Deep bass notes punctuated the melody

Announcing it was time to get up

Nascent instincts awaken and bodies begins to move

Creating a kinetic ephemeral work of art

Even though some of the pieces need some tweaking