Frog (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on looking before leaping

Really made life easier and gave him so much self-confidence moving forward

Of course, at this particular moment, it was getting a bit warmer, but everything would be just fine

Going to enjoy this sauna environment as it keeps getting hotter slowly until …

Quarter (an acrostic conversation)


Questioning what I do will cost you more.”

Uh, why do you say that?”

As you waste my time asking me, the expert you hired, stupid questions, my price goes up.”

Reasonable, but that isn’t a good working relationship.”

This isn’t a coworker situation. We have an employer-employee situation.”

Except that always ends in a toxic work environment. We need to have a de-escalation training.”

Really? You think that? I quit! You can take your two bits and shove them!”

Note: two bits = 1 quarter