Grand (an acrostic poem)


Grandiose gestures of graciousness

Rained down upon the little people

And that made her feel like a thousand bucks

Not that anyone was paying her much at the moment

Doesn’t matter if she should be rich not serving them as a stupid cocktail waitress.

Maze (an acrostic poem)


Making out of this place alive was going to take skill and daring

All the exotic animals surrounding him made it even harder

Zoos were supposed to be places of wonder and discovery

Except he was just a humble peacock, and all these stupid paths became one evil…

Quarter (an acrostic conversation)


Questioning what I do will cost you more.”

Uh, why do you say that?”

As you waste my time asking me, the expert you hired, stupid questions, my price goes up.”

Reasonable, but that isn’t a good working relationship.”

This isn’t a coworker situation. We have an employer-employee situation.”

Except that always ends in a toxic work environment. We need to have a de-escalation training.”

Really? You think that? I quit! You can take your two bits and shove them!”

Note: two bits = 1 quarter

Certify (an acrostic conversation)

Can you show me for sure who you claim to be?”

Even a DNA test wouldn’t be good enough for the likes of you.”

Really that would be a great first step.”

That was supposed to be a joke.”

It was?  Security is no laughing matter.”

For goodness sake, just let me have the stupid WiFi password”

You can have it when I have at least twelve forms of photographic ID.”



Dragon (an acrostic poem)

Darwin hefted his heavy crossbow and took aim

Randy was distracting the wyrm with his stupid antics

Allowing Darwin a chance to strike the killing blow

Got to hit it through the eye and into the brainpan

One in a million shot, even at the best of times, but Darwin knew he was better than that

Never counted on the beast blinking.  Darwin never felt the flames



Wrecked (an acrostic poem)

Waves lapped along the shoreline

Reviving Jerod and giving him a shower he desperately needed

Everything must have gone so wrong

Collecting his thoughts he realized he couldn’t remember the night before

Kneeling, he looked around him, trying to jog something loose

Everything suddenly came back.  He couldn’t believe he was so stupid

Don’t drink a whole bottle of scotch you dumbass



Thick (an acrostic poem)

The breadth of her knowledge was tremendous, but

How could she not know something as simple and basic as this?

I approached her, my evidence in hand

Capturing her attention, I began to lay out my arguments

Kept at it even when I realized maybe I had done something stupid



Cuddle (an acrostic poem)

Couldn’t get enough of the fiasco

Ulysses chomped down on his popcorn

Dianne watched him more than the movie

Didn’t she get how gloriously stupid, but awesome, this was

Like that’s why he invited her over to watch Netflix in the first place

Eventually, he put his arm around her and she nuzzled in.  Compromise!



No Writing Tonight

Going to go see Interstellar.  Since it is almost 3 hours long and we are going to the 9:35 showing, I will not be posting a story tonight.  Okay maybe a quick one….


Two people stood two feet from each other.  The first said I am right.  The second one said I am right.  Then they shook right hands and realized they both could agree to disagree, until the second person, who was left handed, took out a knife and stabbed the first.  The moral of the story is just because you are in the right you might be left behind.