Friends (an acrostic poem)


Finding your people is an important task

Resulting in stability in an otherwise unstable world

It was time-consuming, nerve-racking, and sometimes difficult

Even when you stumble upon the perfect candidates, the work has just begun

Now you have to make time and not let life and family and work and, and, and,

Distract you from keeping those connections from atrophying

So how are you doing today, my …

Chess (an acrostic poem)


Courting the queen was a dangerous move

Her ability to strike out was legendary, and she was so shifty

Every knight on both sides was hopping about to avoid her

So it was a surprise when she seemed to stumble into a trap by the opposing faction

So while they celebrated their minor victory, their king was brought low

Vessel (an acrostic poem)

Image by my 14 year old daughter

Vehicle for fluids is raised for another toast

Enables waking dreams as you stumble being possessed

Sometimes you can host a multitude of different spirits simultaneously

Such as wine, beer, and hard liquors

Enough visitors that you reach your max occupancy limit, and you’re forced outside your body

Leaving you empty and full of yourself at the same time

Slip (an acrostic conversation)


So, you thought I would lapse in my attentiveness, and then you would give me the underdress.

Lilly, what are you blundering about this time?

It makes no difference, I found the small dock you parked your getaway dingy at!

Perhaps before you verbally stumble some more you should hand over the thesaurus.

