Learn (an acrostic poem)

Image: sites.psu.edu/joem/files/2016/12/learning-006-298tja2.jpg

Looking to integrate any and all knowledge into his memory.

Even the stuff that was pure trivia drivel.

And put it into daily practice, honing those skills.

Researching deeper into new and exciting areas

Never giving up trying to understand the universe… and beyond.

Plus (an acrostic poem)

Image: cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/02/16/07/plus-24844_1280.png

Putting things together is something I do all the time

Lets me add all the nuances I think I need

Until I start to subtract by adding too much

So am I good at knowing when that happens?  No, but when I do learn it, it will be a huge…

Mess (an acrostic poem)

Image: playmeo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Mess-of-creativity-ricardo-viana-tYsPFKMm7g-unsplash-576×548.png

Making things usually left his desk a little cluttered, and he loved to make stuff

Everything started within reach, but by the end, some of creative debris was in the other room

Someday he would learn to put everything back in its place when he was done with it

Still, he thought of his whole experience in terms of his need to be creative, not that the output was a chaotic…

Achieve (an acrostic poem)

Image: premiumjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/kids-puzzle-pieces-closeup-view.jpg

Accept with grace that sometimes you will fail

Cherish those moments, no matter how hard they are

Here is where you learn the most

It is akin to putting a puzzle together

Everything was once one picture before being forced to shatter

Vividly the picture can be reconstructed, but the outlines of what happen will always be there

Embrace that change and then reach for the next level

School (an acrostic poem)

Image: blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/files/2017/05/Corpus-Christi-Oxford.jpg

She wanted to learn everything

Cram as much of the information as she could into her cerebellum

Have the ability to recall things faster than Google

Obviously that wouldn’t be really possible

Or else there would already be that person in the world

Leaving her only one choice, stay forever where she could continue to try to be the first

My Robot Life (syllabic verse)


Love them

Create them

I program them

Yet right now they suck

Really it is more me

I cannot get things to fit

Even though I want to give up

I will try again to make it work

I must struggle, learn, and then I can teach



In this poem each line has one more syllable.  I wanted to try something different.  I hope you enjoy.