Content (an acrostic poem)


Contemplating what to put in her next video.

One idea was to show her technical skills and build a waterjet.

Now that would be cool, and she could use it for other projects.

Though it would also be expensive, and she didn’t have a sponsor.

Eyeing choice two, she wondered if making a box kite out of thrift store clothing would get enough views.

Neither idea was bad, but which should she do?

That’s when she decided to come up with the craziest way to choose and do a video on that!

Mess (an acrostic poem)


Making things usually left his desk a little cluttered, and he loved to make stuff

Everything started within reach, but by the end, some of creative debris was in the other room

Someday he would learn to put everything back in its place when he was done with it

Still, he thought of his whole experience in terms of his need to be creative, not that the output was a chaotic…

Erode (an acrostic poem)


Eveline felt the ground beneath her feet crumble

Removing what firm standing she had in this reality

Other worlds flashed before her falling eyes

Diminishing into dots as she sped by, but she thought she still heard her friends somehow

Everyone was concerned when Eveline went catatonic again.  It was so tragic.

Complete (an acrostic poem)


Carnage had been prophesied since the day of her birth

Obliterate the evil, or else she would fail, and the world would burn

Many people tried to guide her, their interests, they felt, were the same as hers

Pulling her six different ways at once, she ended up pitting them against each other

Letting their division give her the room to find her own way

Everything was going well.  The darkness was beaten back.

The final battle took place, and in the end, she was victorious

Everyone’s cheers turned to screams when she didn’t stop and began attacking them

Brave (an acrostic poem)


Be there for each other

Remember, you will someday not be here

And what you do and who you help will be all you leave

Verify that legacy is the one you want to represent you

Even if some say you’re weak, show them that weakness can be strength.  Be…

Replace (an acrostic poem)


Realizing there are times when you are broken inside

Everything just rattles around and you feel the stabbing of the sharp pieces

Putting that back together would be difficult if not impossible

Leaving what would be left is an incomplete you

As some of the parts would be lost or the edges rounded to leave gaps

Covered with tape and superglue.  Looking in the mirror you don’t recognize your own soul

Embrace a new chance, a new hope, a new you and let the rubble be recycled

Dial (an acrostic poem)


Digits scattered around in a ritualistic circle

It spun and clicked as it began its spell

And soon there were disembodied voices talking from the other side

Listen close and you might hear grandma

Wonder (an acrostic poem)


Watch the way the world unfolds around you.

One thing leading to another in a vast circle of reality.

Notice how each piece is interlinked with so many other pieces.

Down to the knowledge that a star had to die to create the matter that makes you.

Ever sit there and just contemplate all that?

Realize that that feeling of awe is as normal as breathing, that you are a …