Gamble (an acrostic poem)


Giving a toss of the dice, he closed his eyes

And projected the vision he needed as he heard them hit the table

Maybe if he truly believe, his luck would decide to work

But belief and seven bucks would buy him a venti latte at Starbucks

Looking at the pips he shook his head dejectedly. He’d have to go to work tomorrow

Except it wasn’t time to leave yet. He pulled out the last of his bankroll

Dice (an acrostic poem)


Determined to let chance decide not only my fate but everyone’s

I rolled the five of them, hoping for the best, but needing a perfect result

Couldn’t look as they spun to a stop

Everyone gasped.  I peeked at the result before screaming triumphantly.  The dragon was dead!

Pick (an acrostic poem)

Putting her money where her mouth is was always difficult

It seemed easier to not think and go with her heart in those circumstances

Casting the dice down the green felted table, she closed her eyes

Knowing that whatever happened, her life was going to be changed forever

Chance (an acrostic poem)

Converting luck into action

He tossed the spinning dice from his hand

And as they flew through the air, probabilities spun with them

Not collapsing the distribution curve until done with their dance

Cascading all possibilities into a single outcome

Everything random transforms into fate

Cube (an acrostic poem)


Cognac on the rocks was her drink of choice

Until about three in the morning, then she would bounce to bourbon

Both ice cold, just like the blood in her veins

Especially as she tossed the dice one last time with everything on the line.

Dice (an acrostic poem)


Down to my last chance, I offer a prayer to the lukewarm plastic cubes

I then release them to bound across the table, watching them unleash their chaos

Cartwheeling and spinning among all the possibilities and futures

Eventually coming to rest as tombstones on my luck’s grave



Probability Strikes (a 200 word story)

Gary opened the new deck of cards and enjoyed the feel of the linen finish.  Eight riffle shuffles or so later he fanned the cards back out and noticed all the suits were still in order.  Gary laughed at his luck and began shuffling again.  Once again after doing about eight shuffles he looked, and the deck was still in order.  Gary couldn’t believe this.  He tried a third time, with the same result.  He began to think somehow time was on repeat.  He began planning how he could use his new found skill.

He did a Google search on the odds of this happening.  It was one out of ten to the sixty-eighth power.  That was as many atoms as there are in the known universe.  Gary was so excited.  He was a unicorn, a magical leprechaun, a force of nature.  He then kept reading.  There have been many cases of this happening, especially if you suck at shuffling.

Gary put the cards away and picked up a pair of dice.  He always enjoyed playing with dice anyway.  He rolled them three times and rolled double sizes each time.  He threw the dice in the trash and walked away.

