Story (an acrostic poem)

1) Image:

Searching for conspiracists to spread the word

To make sure the world knows the truths

Of mysteries and magic, of history and the future, of the real and the surreal

Rascals and damsels, princesses and princes, paupers and millionaires

You up for the challenge? All you need to join is to pick up a book and read.

Defeat (an acrostic poem)


Determined to go to bed sooner

Enabling a more refreshing start to the week

Fumbling through the stuff that had to be done

Everything taking so much more time to do

And some of it didn’t work out at all

Then the clock read 2 a.m. and he had to admit…

Bots (an acrostic poem)


Believing in one’s ability to control the machine, the button is pressed

Observing the fallacy of that confidence as the droid fails to do what was desired

Though in the end, the comradery and lessons learned far outweighed the disappointment

STEM encapsulates an ever beating heart and a spirit that will rise from the ashes of failure

Gravity (an acrostic poem)


Given how much it meant to her, this failure left her soul feeling heavy

Reason told her this time wasn’t any different then the million times before

And she knew she should let go of that emotional weight

Vanity wouldn’t let that happen, though

It kept her rooted firmly on the ground

That pressure to beat Sisyphus by pushing up her metaphorical boulder

Yielded the same result.  She never left her personal black hole

In the Beginning (a 100 word story)

The darkness grabbed onto his words and crumpled them into tight rejected wads of failure.  He typed with such a frenzy to keep ahead of the monster, but it was faster than his imagination, consuming all his ideas and dreams.  It then had the nerve to regurgitate its partially digested remains onto the page.

He tried to rearrange the mess into something that hinted at his intentions, but he was not a forensic investigator.  The work seemed dead.  And to think he thought he was a writer.

He consoled himself.  “Well, it’s a start.”  He saved his work and shut down.



Failure (an acrostic poem)

Focused on the goal of winning it all

Alison forgot about her competition

It was near the end of the race and she was by herself

Letting her guard down she started to think about the finish line

Usually she didn’t have this luxury, but all that hard training was paying off

Ready to celebrate she slowed down and lifted her arms victoriously

Everyone gasped as Stacy burst past, leaving Alison stunned and in second



What is Failure?

So I have fallen behind in my NaNoWriMo count.  I didn’t get to work on it yesterday, and today I was frantic because of other commitments and only did 400 words or so today.  Now I can consider this a failure, or I can look at the positive that I was able to outline the middle portion of my novel, or act two in script speak.  Actually it is the later half of act two.  I knew where my protagonist needed to go, but I was having troubles getting him there.  I worked on it for a good couple of hours and solved most of the major plot points to get him from where he is now to where he needs to go to get to acts three.  So I ask again, was it a failure to not meet the word quota, or was it a success that I have a good direction to head out tomorrow?  I claim it is unknown until I start writing more this week.  If I can chip away at the word count I am behind, then it is worth it.  If not, then it was a failure.  Failure is always an option, but I am hoping with this stutter step and some better outlining I can build on it into a triumph, but that is for future me to decide.


ps Can you tell I’m writing this after 1 am local time?  Yeah, I am tired.  🙂