Allure (an acrostic poem)


Abyss-black hair cascaded in waves down her back contrasted with her alabaster skin.

Luscious blood red lips pulled into a tight pout.

Lavish eyebrows that outline perfect ice-blue eyes.

Undulating curves in all the right places ensconced in a second skin of green satin.

Resulting in a woman who was the epitome of perfection.

Except she was only a picture on a magazine cover.

Cyborg (an acrostic poem)


Can’t think back to the days when I was 100% human

You know, when I did everything without some sort of enhancement

Began with a set of glasses, then came the phones

Over time, virtual reality crept in complete with the ability to feel the matrix

Reality became distorted into something malleable with AI and social media saturation

Gaining an augmented suit and grafting it to your skin might be a step too far? Probably not.

Review (an acrostic poem)


Reading books was always a chore for Melonie

Every page was a struggle for survival with respect to staying awake

Viewing the text made the words devolve into scribbles

It was enough to give her a migraine just thinking about it

Even the pages would cut the wafer-thin skin of her fingertips

When she finally was done, it was all worth it when she left a one-star …

Kiwi (an acrostic poem)


Keeping with the weird down under thing

In comes a fruit with hair that tastes kind of like a strawberry with a tropical twist

With a skin that could use a bit of a shave, while that isn’t too freaky

It was the fact you can eat the hairy part that made me shudder

Change (an acrostic poem)


Can’t things just remain the same?

He shook his head reading the paper about another closure

As if being single wasn’t hard enough

Now where would he meet women?  He hated Tinder.

Going on Twitter just made his skin crawl

Even though this virus likely wouldn’t kill him, his love life was RIP.



Fence (an acrostic poem)

Fiercely defending her right to her emotional space, she stripped off the pink dress

Everyone was encroaching on her.  In the past, they might have swallowed her whole.

Now she wrapped her fists with barbed wire, feeling it cut into her skin.

Come on world.  It’s me against all of you, and I’m ready to fight dirty.

Everyone better watch out.  Mama bear is ready to defend her territory.



Fried (an acrostic poem)

Focusing on the bubbling cauldron

Reggie watched the chicken dance

It made his mouth water as the skin tanned

Exactly two minutes later he scooped out his prize

Destroying it with his face

