Lottery (an acrostic poem)

Living day to day, depending on his luck for sustenance

Orbiting his need for money and his need to be creative

The two pulling in opposite directions, their tidal forces ripping him apart

Today was a day where art and hunger went hand in hand as he painted

Every ounce of his imagination was placed on the canvas stroke by stroke

Revealing a mixture of magic and his soul, bound in sweat and paint

Yet it didn’t sell, leaving him destitute and feeling like he lost at life

Weight (an acrostic poem)


What seemed so light moments before threatened to pull her down into the depths of despair

Every time it happened it took so much strength to try to pick up the pieces and try to move on

It was no use. She broke.

Giving way to the gravity of it all, she sunk to the floor

Her eyes teared up, the heavy drops of water falling

They were children!

Laugh (an acrostic poem)


Lifting those around her with the strength of her humor

Always trying to coax a smile and plant a seed of happiness

Understanding sometimes people need to cry

Giving them the space in those moments to finish watering their emotional crop

Helping eventually the next crop of the giggles to grow after that soaking

Brave (an acrostic poem)


Be there for each other

Remember, you will someday not be here

And what you do and who you help will be all you leave

Verify that legacy is the one you want to represent you

Even if some say you’re weak, show them that weakness can be strength.  Be…

Punish (an acrostic poem)


Pushing her body to breaking never helped anyone

Unless you were talking about her guilt

Now she was here and wondered if this time she had gone too far

It seemed to make sense in the heat of the moment

So now hanging on this rockface fifty feet up and her strength giving out, she wondered

How did eating a single extra Oreo do this to her?

Smith (an acrostic poem)


Selecting the right words to give strength to the tale

Managing to weld together sentences without seams

Intricate work with the hammer to make the whole thing take shape

Then quenching it with an editing pass to give it durability

How a writer forges stories from raw emotional stock



The Ring (a 100 word story)

The ring bound him to her.  He wondered what insanity had caused him to willingly volunteer to wear the cursed thing in the first place.  Still, in that moment of weakness, he had accepted her boon and doomed his soul.

He looked at the perfect circle of gold and thought about chopping the whole finger off.  He’d be better off maimed for the rest of his life.  He couldn’t do it though.  She had taken so much of his strength that he didn’t have the fortitude anymore.

Instead he closed his eyes and dreamt of her when she was alive.