Tiny (an acrostic poem)

Image: techslang.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Canva-Software-security-concept.-Errors-in-the-program.-Bugs-in-the-program.-The-presence-of-a-backdoor-rootkit.-2-1024×536.jpg

There was just a little more to do, he was sure of that

It shouldn’t take long, but that was the same thing he said three hours ago

Now he was still in his chair staring at the computer monitor, wondering how to kill all the bugs

You would think it was a gargantuan task, but he liked his job and to him it was…

The Talk (an acrostic conversation)

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e1/Combotrans.svg/2000px-Combotrans.svg.png

There are times when a boy and a girl love each other.

Hey Dad, you don’t need to go there.

Every dad has to.  It’s an oath we give at the hospital before taking you home.

They were lying to you, Dad.  I’m all set.

And how would you know you are all set?

Look, do you want me to tell you what I know?

Kill me now!

Change (an acrostic poem)


Can’t things just remain the same?

He shook his head reading the paper about another closure

As if being single wasn’t hard enough

Now where would he meet women?  He hated Tinder.

Going on Twitter just made his skin crawl

Even though this virus likely wouldn’t kill him, his love life was RIP.


Image: christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Change-image.jpg

Repeating (an acrostic poem)

Reaching the time gate, Jackson sighed with relief.

Even after everything had gone wrong for these past two years, he could set it right

Punching the emergency return button, the gate hummed to life

Eleven minutes from now, he would be able to go back to 2031

And this time know how to fix it.  He leaped into the breach and felt something go…

The EMTs rushed him into the emergency room

It was found he had a brain aneurysm.  It didn’t kill or paralyze him

No, it just affected his memory.  His earliest memory was of 2028

Glimmers of something horrible sometimes surfaced, but therapy helped suppress it


Image: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/creepypasta/images/0/01/Shattered_Mirror_2_by_wolfrain319.jpg

Undead (an acrostic poem)

Until I had breathed my last I had never thought about my mortality

Now those last few moments I wondered a lot about it through the pain

Death, as I found out, can be a tricky subject now

Even as I felt my heartbeat that last time I knew something was wrong

All I wanted to do was move for a light, or into space, or anywhere else than this body

Damned that I get to be a walking corpse for the rest of eternity.  Kill me now!

Decisions (an acrostic poem) part 9

Deciding to take on his grisly task

Everything began to fall into place

Considering how easy it was to plan to kill someone

If there was ever a catch, it was how to dispose of the body

Someone was almost always going to find it

It was important to make that task difficult though

Only Mike didn’t want to make it too difficult

No need for his blackmailer to get nervous and go public

Sighing, Mike got into his car to head out3


Image: d2v9y0dukr6mq2.cloudfront.net/video/thumbnail/XIlSq6i/crime-scene-body-dead-with-ambient-sound_sqfkvn5ge_thumbnail-full01.png

It Gets Worse (an acrostic poem) part 7

Inside the note, it commanded Mike to kill another person

This time a man located the next city over


Given that he knew this person already

Everything should be easier than that woman, Penny

That being said, Mike didn’t want to cross that line again

So he went back to his computer


Whipping out the videos of his house from his hidden cams

Observing anyone who came close to his place

Realizing someone with a red umbrella

Slipped it into his mail slot

Even smiled at his hidden camera as she waved at it

Darlings (a 50 word story)

A lot of writing advice connotes I should be willing to kill my darlings.  Okay, they were right.  It made my writing more gritty and realistic.  The problem now isn’t how to make what I put on the page more lifelike, but where am I going to bury the bodies?


Image: uberscribbler.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/4538638273_433x451.jpg?w=500

Time Travel Can Be Hard Time

The prison gate swung open and Ferris walked out of the walls that had held him closed in for over half a century.

“How does it feel?” asked Marvin.  Marvin had been a guard at the prison for over six years.  Ferris liked the kid, but he could be too much a hard ass.

Ferris gestured back at the prison.  “When I came through these gates, I was a demon.  I killed a family for some drinking money.”  Ferris looked at the bus waiting to take him to a half way house.  “Now I realize I wasn’t a demon, but a time traveler.  I get to see how everything has changed.”

“Just watch out.  Some things haven’t changed,” said Marvin.

“Like what?” asked Ferris.

“There are still demons who kill for drinking money.  Don’t reconvert,” said Marvin as he shook Ferris’ hand.  “Take care and I better not see you on this side of the walls again.”

Ferris tipped his hat, exposing his grey wispy hair.  “No more demons for me,” said Ferris.  “and no offense, you can keep your walls.  I’m sick of living in a castle. ”

And with that Ferris walked onto the bus.  “Take me to the future,” he said as the doors closed.