Complete (an acrostic poem)


Carnage had been prophesied since the day of her birth

Obliterate the evil, or else she would fail, and the world would burn

Many people tried to guide her, their interests, they felt, were the same as hers

Pulling her six different ways at once, she ended up pitting them against each other

Letting their division give her the room to find her own way

Everything was going well.  The darkness was beaten back.

The final battle took place, and in the end, she was victorious

Everyone’s cheers turned to screams when she didn’t stop and began attacking them

Achieve (an acrostic poem)


Accept with grace that sometimes you will fail

Cherish those moments, no matter how hard they are

Here is where you learn the most

It is akin to putting a puzzle together

Everything was once one picture before being forced to shatter

Vividly the picture can be reconstructed, but the outlines of what happen will always be there

Embrace that change and then reach for the next level

Bad Day (an acrostic poem)


Bringing all she had to the table

Anne felt like it just wasn’t enough

Doomed to fail, and fail horribly

Didn’t miss the mark by much

And everything went catastrophically wrong

Yet she realized tomorrow was another chance to do something great

Kind (an acrostic poem)


Know deep down that it is okay to fail sometimes

It will happen, and all you can do is pick yourself up and go on

Need help doing so?  Ask for it.  No one is so good they don’t need help

Don’t beat yourself up about it, and share that same grace with others

Together (an acrostic poem)


There is so much you can’t do by yourself

Others are needed to make it happen

Getting your tribe on board might not be easy

Everyone might have different opinions or a different way to do it

That’s when you need to realize we are all in this

Here is where we need to work extra hard listening and not attacking

Enabling the collective to try and fail as we look towards success

Realizing this is why in these tough times we need to stick…



Stare (an acrostic poem)

Satan couldn’t tear his eyes from the sight as humanity struggled to stand

The fallen angel laughed with contempt, God’s image indeed

All they were was an afterthought of creation

Raised to shove home the lack of free will into the faces of the angelic hosts

Even now he hated that fact because that meant he was created to fail and fall

