Cave (an acrostic poem)


Covered in darkness, the walls closing in

And the cacophony of the emptiness filling your ears

Vague feelings of being lost and alone drip into concrete reality

Escaping from your mouth is a scream that echoes and illuminates a way out

Pillow (an acrostic poem)


Plowing and sowing the world of sleep

It was hard work, but he was a farmer to his soul

Little furrows stretched to the horizon containing the roots of fertile dreams and scream-inducing nightmares

Lying there, waiting to be harvested

Once he was ready and picked them, Morbius would pay him handsomely for this crop

Wait till the slumbering humans were served these delectables!

Mute (an acrostic poem)


Mime time! was her catchphrase

Useless though since she wasn’t allowed to talk

That and she didn’t have the skills yet to pantomime it well

Eventually, one day, she would achieve master-level status and silently scream in triumph!

Teapot (an acrostic poem)

The idea that she was short and stout

Enraged Emily to no end

And she would spout off at the insinuation

Perhaps there were better ways to let off some steam

Other than to give a shrill scream

Though that would tell people that she was boiling hot…



Hater (an acrostic poem)

Howling in frustration at not being able to participate

Abby kicked her sister as hard as she could

That made Matty scream, “Why did you do that?”

Even if I wanted to, Abby said, I can’t kick the whole team

Reactions like that made Matty wonder the border between being a lover and a …



Awesome (an acrostic poem)

As I step on the pointiest Lego in the history of Lego

Wishing that I had amputated that limb so long ago

Every day I try to make sure the floor is empty, but I miss something

Still, I keep the light off as I work my way out of the room

Or I might wake her up, and that would be horrible

My foot hits another plastic caltrop and all I can scream in my head is

Everything is…..



Apocalypse Mom

This wasn’t her first apocalypse.  Hell, it was at least her third today, but now those around her were freaking out.  Yeah, things looked bad, but after all the stuff she had been through this latest meltdown was nothing.  She pumped her shotgun with one hand and grinned.  Today would either kill her or make her stronger.  It was up to her to find out which.  She threw open the door and the sun blinded her.

She bolted up in bed as the window shade spun.  The stupid thing must have decided to coil up on its own.  She took stock of her situation.  She was relieved that the world wasn’t going to end, but there was something about being a badass that she felt was missing.

Suddenly there was a scream, a crashing of something downstairs, and then someone crying hysterically.  Okay, so this would be her fourth apocalypse today, but she had this.  She just wished she still had the shotgun.



Yell (an acrostic poem)

You shout into the wind until you have to steal some or pass out

Every part of your being is still so upset.  You bow your head down

Lamenting how life can be so unfair, it almost crushes your spirit

Lifting back up your head you begin to scream once more



Yelling (an acrostic poem)

You just can’t make this stuff up

Every day there are more and more idiots out there

Living idiotic lives just to piss me off

Leaving me wanting to scream

I realize this may seem offensive

Now that I utter these words aloud

Give me a break, I know I am an idiot for someone else, so there!

