Event (an acrostic poem)

Image: images.pexels.com/photos/5386754/pexels-photo-5386754.jpeg

Every day should be special.

Viewed as a once in a lifetime opportunity

Except too many people are living for the weekends.

Not living each day to its fullest.

That’s a shame, wasting away five days a week.

Ration (an acrostic poem)

Image: potatoes.com/images/resources/types/TAP_Red.png

Reaching into the sack, he handed his daughter a small potato

And her look of disappointment hurt his heart so much

That was the best he could do, at least she would have something in her tummy tonight

If he could do more, he would

Only if he gave her more now, she would go without later that week

Now to bully his hunger into being quiet until he got her to bed

Defeat (an acrostic poem)

Image: pm1.narvii.com/6916/60a439dd2c63886d3c9a15b1dffedd87e7d7530fr1-1920-787v2_hq.jpg

Determined to go to bed sooner

Enabling a more refreshing start to the week

Fumbling through the stuff that had to be done

Everything taking so much more time to do

And some of it didn’t work out at all

Then the clock read 2 a.m. and he had to admit…

Beep (an acrostic poem)

Image: hellotech.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Restarting-computer-1280×720.png

Being in IT when every computer on campus was making noises

Especially as they rebooted over and over again was not going to be good

Ernie knew he was doomed for a long long long day

Perhaps this was not the week to give up swearing, but he wanted to yell something.  “Oh …”

Stress (an acrostic one-sided conversation)

So that proposal was due yesterday?  I thought it was next week.

They told me next week.  I’m sure of that.

Really, they’ve got to give us a second chance.

Everyone has days like this, Michael.  I’m only human.

So what do you mean don’t bother coming to work on Monday?

So Michael, do you think I can get a reference letter hookup from you?


Image: mdedge-files-live.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/files/s3fs-public/Image/July-2018/stress_ball_web.jpg

Bonus poem (1st draft)  If you like this one better, let me know in the comments.

So that project proposal was due yesterday?

That’s right, so now our company’s existence is now in question.

Really?  Why didn’t you tell me?

Everyone told you, daily.  With voicemail AND email AND in person

So about that.  I thought you were all being a bit pushy.

So about that, you’re fired.

Miracle (an acrostic poem)

Misha looked back over the waves

In the distance, she could still see the fires on the shore

Reaching out, she placed a comforting hand on Herb

After everything, the two of them had been through

Cutting ties with their past and sailing into the unknown was the hardest

Last week it looked like they would both be dead in a mass grave

Even unbelievers like Misha could recognize their escape for what it was


Image: i.ytimg.com/vi/lidaZTgPTaw/maxresdefault.jpg