Snack (an acrostic poem)

So what if he was hungry?

No one cared, no matter how much he bitched and moaned

And yet he expected her to do something about it

Couldn’t he tell she was hungry as well, and when she was hungry she became a monster.

Kettle was soon bubbling, releasing yummy smells into the air.  She was gonna eat well tonight, she was!

Peel (an acrostic poem)


Prying back her man’s rough outer layer

Exposed the fact that he was surprisingly human

Except she didn’t want to believe that

Lifting his freshly stilled heart out of the way, she continued to look for essence of monster

Energy (an acrostic poem)


Eventually the tiredness had to break, right?

No way he could be this tired for this long.

Everything seemed such an effort, even blinking!

Reaching for his sixth Monster, he pounded it back.

Going to be a long shift tonight. Good thing he had a twelve pack.

Yet he wondered if that would be enough.

Grit (an acrostic poem)


Given she was down at least a pint and a half of blood

Really, she should be passed out on the ground

Instead, she looked the creature in the eye and growled

That’s what finally broke the monster and it fled into the darkness

Beast (an acrostic poem)

Boy, he was so beautifully handsome that it almost hurt her eyes

Everything about his appearance was just so perfect

And all he wanted was to be with her, forever.  A dream come true

So when he showed his darker side it caught her by surprise.  The nightmares began

They only ended when the monster sunk his claws into her mind and her will died



Run Away (an acrostic poem)

Really Paul knew he should get out of there

Undercaffeinated and out of time

Nothing left in reserves


And yet here he was, a flaming branch in one hand

Watching the monster squint in his direction

All he wanted to do was to wake up from this nightmare

Yet he knew his alarm clock was never going to go off again



Fear (an acrostic poem)

Forcing his eyes open, Kevin squinted at the light

Eyes watered from the fetid smell, further obscuring his vision

All of his being screamed at him to run away

Run he did, but at the monster, scaring it away



In the Beginning (a 100 word story)

The darkness grabbed onto his words and crumpled them into tight rejected wads of failure.  He typed with such a frenzy to keep ahead of the monster, but it was faster than his imagination, consuming all his ideas and dreams.  It then had the nerve to regurgitate its partially digested remains onto the page.

He tried to rearrange the mess into something that hinted at his intentions, but he was not a forensic investigator.  The work seemed dead.  And to think he thought he was a writer.

He consoled himself.  “Well, it’s a start.”  He saved his work and shut down.



Listen Carefully (a 100 word story)

The conversation around the bonfire grew quiet as Ludwig stepped into the circle.  The campers scooted back a bit in anticipation to what was about to happen.

Ludwig rubbed his hands together and then began to sign his tale of terror.  Some averted their eyes, not wanting to hear about the horrors, but others stared with rapt attention.

Soon Ludwig concluded his tale of woe and the hands of his audience waved back and forth in appreciation, even the monster that was hiding in the tree line.  Tonight he would go hungry, because it was that good of a story.

