Prime (an acrostic poem)


Putting all her chips on lucky thirteen.

Roulette rewarded the three to five people who carried luck in their back pocket.

It made one wonder if they were a part of that club.

Maybe it was too much to count on since her skirt didn’t even have a front pocket, much less two.

Eventually, the ball landed on eleven, ending her night.  Time to hit the buffet and eat some of that beef.

Blah (an acrostic lament)


Being sick is always sucky, especially when it’s your stomach and intestines

Listing there aimlessly, hoping for the internal torment to subside

And yet all you can do is moan and hope for a break in your condition

How many times can you count the bathroom tiles?

Harp (an acrostic conversation)


How much do I hate you?  Let me count the ways.”

As if you can complain.  I’m the best thing for you.”

Really?  That’s about as offkey of a response as I can imagine.”

Perhaps, but I am secure in my knowledge that I know how to pull your strings.”

Glitter (an acrostic poem)


Giving those diabolical miniature flakes of metal in their prison

Little shakes with an evil grin on my face

If you hadn’t had crossed the line it wouldn’t have come to this

The trap set, I just sit back with the airhorn and count down

Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.  The horn screams through the night

Resulting in you throwing off your covers, releasing the pile of sparkle into your entire everything.

Wonder (an acrostic poem)


What she loved to do was count the stars in the night sky

Only she knew she could never get an accurate number

Not once did she let it stop her from what she perceived was her duty

Determined to be a witness to every star’s existence in its moment of time

Everything comes to an end, and one day she might be the only one to notice

Remembering the dot of light for what it might have been before it wasn’t there anymore

Skill (an acrostic conversation)


“So cool that you know how to play the guitar.”

“Kind of you to say, but I’m the drummer, remember?”

“I know. That’s why we supposedly brought you into the band.”

“Let me get this straight., were you being sarcastic?”

“Lots of love, dude, but call us back when you can count to four.”

Search (an acrostic poem)


So many places he could be hiding

Especially since he was such a small tike

And she made sure to count to one hundred out loud

Ready or not, here I come!

Couple of minutes later he came out of his spot and wondered what happened

Her giggles gave away the fact that she never decided to…

Wait (an acrostic poem)

Watching time crawl slowly past

And wondering why you are not here

It drives me crazy as I count the seconds

To when I can join you in heaven



Catch (an acrostic poem)

Count them.  Twenty-two.  Read ’em and weep.

And that means you busted.  You lost.

That’s not right.  You speak of deceptions.  I always win.  I’m a winner

Can you follow the rules just this once?  You don’t always have to win

Ha!  That’s how a loser speaks.  I won’t fall for your trap!

