Sparkle (an acrostic poem)


She batted her eyes at him.

Putting his heart all a flutter.

And that wasn’t the half of it.

Reaching for the box in his jacket, he hesitated.

Knowing it was probably too soon, but he knew she was the one.

Letting the box go, he smiled and contented himself with looking into her eyes.

Eventually, there would be the right time, but for now, that light in her eyes was more important than all the diamonds.

Swoop (an acrostic poem)


She folded her wings and dove down.

Wind ripped past her face, causing her to squint.

Oh how the ground was racing up to meet her.

Only she knew that was not an encounter for today.

Plucking up the rabbit in her talons, she began the long journey back towards the stars

Pastry (an acrostic poem)


Putting the crispy layers of butter and sugar in his mouth.

And feeling it melt on his tongue, he let out a low moan.

Soooooo good!

The problem was he was diabetic and knew what he was doing to his body.

Reaching for another, he banished those thoughts.

You only lived once, and maybe science would figure out the whole artificial pancreas soon.

Analyse (an acrostic poem)


And when he looked deeper into the data, patterns emerged.

Nothing seemed to make sense, but there was order in the chaos.

And he knew he had something there.

Leveraging his AI bots didn’t seem to help, but they did eliminate some false paths.

Yeah, now he was getting closer to solving this puzzle.

So when he finally figured it out, he screamed out loud.

Evidently he had programmed a small glitch so the data meant nothing!

Curls (an acrostic poem)


Cute ringlets cascaded from his fingers

Under the moonlight they looked like the most delicate chains

Realizing he was as captive to her now as if those were real chains around his wrist

Looking into her eyes he knew he never wanted parole from this sentence

She smiled that cute little smile of hers and said…

Melody (an acrostic poem)


Memorizing the music of her curves

Every note a drop of impeccable beauty

Luscious harmonics vibrating his very soul

Overtones causing emotions vivid and deep

Desire sang back with a trumpet fanfare devolving into kettle drums calling his hormones to battle

Yet her smile brought the whole orchestra to a halt except for a single flute, and that’s when he knew he was in love

Sad (an acrostic poem) (part 2 of Happy)

(This is a continuation of the story started in Happy, the previous poem)

She didn’t feel the smile she wore.

Anyone else would be thrilled to double up their stack at the poker table.

Doing so when she knew he had blundered made her cry a bit inside.  She wasn’t cut out for this.

Lumber (an acrostic poem)


Log after log swung off the truck and onto the mud

Under a gray sky that threatened snow any day now

Maybe she would have time to get this cabin built, but it would be close, too close.

Before she had moved out here, all she knew was the stuff you got from Home Depot or Lowes

Every day in this wilderness ingrained into her a sense of place, a sense of nature

Reaching for the first log with her backhoe, she eased her future over the foundation wall. Time to build her future.

Hollow (an acrostic poem)


He was sick of feeling empty inside

Only self-pity seemed to fill the void, and he knew that wasn’t healthy

Looking out over the storm-tossed ocean waves, he wondered what to do

Love felt so far away, somewhere out there past the emotional gray horizon

Of course, even if he got out there it might not help

Walking away from the water, he tried to convince himself that being full wouldn’t feel all that great