Pastry (an acrostic poem)


Putting the crispy layers of butter and sugar in his mouth.

And feeling it melt on his tongue, he let out a low moan.

Soooooo good!

The problem was he was diabetic and knew what he was doing to his body.

Reaching for another, he banished those thoughts.

You only lived once, and maybe science would figure out the whole artificial pancreas soon.

Sad (an acrostic poem) (part 2 of Happy)

(This is a continuation of the story started in Happy, the previous poem)

She didn’t feel the smile she wore.

Anyone else would be thrilled to double up their stack at the poker table.

Doing so when she knew he had blundered made her cry a bit inside.  She wasn’t cut out for this.

Bytes (an acrostic poem)


But what do you mean it won’t compile?

You told me to put that bracket there!

This makes no sense.  Why don’t you do what I told you to?

Except you are doing so and that’s why it doesn’t work?

Sometimes programming really …

Crayon (an acrostic poem)


Crayola’s yellow box made his eyes go wide.

Realizing all one hundred twenty colors inside were his to work with.

And that thought had him wondering what he should color first.

Yukon forests?  Dragons breathing fire on a horde of gold? Something from the Matrix?

Of course, he could let his imagination run wild and do something totally out of the box.

Next moment he was using a heat gun to make a three-dimensional sunset!

Drain (an acrostic poem)

Didn’t have any time to recharge, so down went another bottle of caffeine and sugar

Really, sleep was in order, demanded even, but she ignored it

As she had too much to do and way too little time to get it all done

It would have made her cry, except after fifteen years of doing this, this was normal

Now if she had only believed her mother before she had become a mother herself…

Operate (an acrostic poem)

Old things had to make way for the new

Pulling back on the lever, the wrecking ball swung and smashed into the wall

Everywhere the ball hit, destruction reigned

Reducing the old structure into historic rubble

And she knew she was good at what she was doing

The crane danced to her choreography, each pirouette punctuated by the boom of connection

Enabling her to place the final period to that building’s story

Quest (an acrostic poem)


Quitting the task had never crossed his mind

Unless you counted when he woke up, most of the time during the day, and just before sleeping

Every moment he thought about stopping he somehow found the will to finish it

So when that music in his head announced he was finally done, he let out a sigh of relief

That was short-lived since he realized all he had been doing was just a side…

Haiku (an acrostic poem)


How do you get better at something?

Almost always the answer is doing

I have been writing a poem a day for the past nine years

Know that sometimes they were bad, but sometimes they were good

Undertake a journey today and read some.  The link below is to all 3,287 …