Herd (an acrostic poem)

Image: media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/16/95/a3/8f/broken-tv-due-to-miss.jpg

Have you heard the latest conspiracy theory that was on TV last night?

Everyone is just sheep eating the grass fed to them by their favorite station’s talk shows.

Really, dude, you should know that all of it has at least a bit of truth.

Don’t think it can be on cable if not, right?

Fierce (an acrostic poem)

Image: lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/357451-Fierce-Lion.jpg

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread was his favorite proverb

It encapsulated his life in ways that spanned from ludicrous to profound

Ever since he was a boy, he would do the near impossible, twist fate into pretzels, and never miss a beat

Reveling in the audacity of the chaos he spread around like seeds from a dandelion caught in a tornado

Could do no wrong, and it was just the way of the universe

Evidently when you held your guardian angel hostage, you could ever be the fool, but were you?

Coal (an acrostic poem)

Image: brsgardengroup.co.uk/l/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Premium-Coal-Supples.jpg

Chucking the little black nuggets onto the embers of the fire and soon they burst into flame

Outputting more heat to warm up the chilly cabin

And to think people called him a dinosaur when he burnt his favorite fuel

Look, he was just freeing his spiritual ancestors’ souls in exchange for warmth

Bluff (an acrostic poem)

Image: cdn2.apstatic.com/photos/climb/119094889_medium_1592938687.jpg

Bashful with a dash of humility was his favorite drink
Leaving him sated every time he partook of that sweet nectar
Under the moonless sky, he would go out for a pint or two
Fortune smiled when he found a sweet young insecure thing looking for tall, pale, and handsome
Finding a dark spot to sip her vitality, he never saw the wooden stake till it was too late

Thought (an acrostic poem)

Think, therefore I am was his favorite idiom

He held onto it with both hands, never letting it go

Others gave up and allowed themselves to become fleshy robots

Under the guise that the need for money was above all

Given that option himself, he rejected to play along

He kept generating new and different mental creations to escape their drudgery

That was why he was gone when they finally came to imprison him for his ideas

Flare (an acrostic poem)

Image: ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1036550600/thumb/1.jpg

Flames leapt from the cylinder illuminating the darkness

Leaving Charlene blinded as she stood still among the dancing white flakes

All she could think about in that moment was the story of the little match girl

Realizing that she was going to reprise the main lead role unless there was a Christmas miracle

Every year after, Charlene would leave out a hot toddy and peanut butter cookies because… well they were his favorite

Armor (an acrostic poem)

Image: i.pinimg.com/originals/45/26/b1/4526b12f64e2122890a535eda461c866.jpg

As her alarm heralded a new call to battle

Randi braced herself for another day in the trenches

Making her coffee extra strong, it sent her heart racing

On went her power suit and matching shoe briefcase combo

Reaching for her favorite pen, she was ready for war

Get Paid (an acrostic poem)

Ginny hated volunteering with a passion

Even if it was for an awesome cause like the animal shelter

That’s why she was in such a black mood, but she was there


Patrick came in, happy to see Ginny showed up

As he handed her her favorite coffee he turned up the wattage of his smile

It made Ginny rethink this whole volunteering thing

Dollars weren’t the only currency around


Image: secure.i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01582/dollars_1582317c.jpg