Friends (an acrostic poem)


Finding your people is an important task

Resulting in stability in an otherwise unstable world

It was time-consuming, nerve-racking, and sometimes difficult

Even when you stumble upon the perfect candidates, the work has just begun

Now you have to make time and not let life and family and work and, and, and,

Distract you from keeping those connections from atrophying

So how are you doing today, my …

Dated (an acrostic poem)


Didn’t believe it would ever come to this

As if time was the greatest jerk of all the jerkiest jerks

The muscle pains, the worsening eyesight, the fading memory

Everything might not be that bad, if looked at in the right light, but…

Despite trying to remain hip, all my pop culture references are now flat and …

Post (an acrostic poem)


Putting words in where emotions feared to tread

Out into the world, unprotected, left to fly or flounder on their own

So every time I press that button and make something come alive on the web

That is the moment where I add a bit more to the universe and wait to hear what echoes back

Order (an acrostic poem)


Out of the chaos, a need for organization grew stronger

Reaching for a list and some boxes, the war began

Dedicating time to the battle, slowly the chaos was pushed back

Except they never saw the betrayal that was about to happen

Right at the moment the house was set straight, they had twins and that’s when chaos won

Mast (an acrostic poem)


Majestic wooden boats used to sail the seven seas in search of adventure and money

And of those two, money was the more important

So when the age of steam dawned on technology’s horizon, those great ships could see their time sunsetting

That’s when the magic died and shipping became not an adventure, but a commodity, a rich one.

Heap (an acrostic poem)


He looked at the pile on the floor in front of him.

Everything there at one time meant the world to him.

And now they were flotsam in the backwaters of his life.

Picking them up, he turned from the trashcan and put them in a drawer.  Not yet.

Early (an acrostic poem)


Every day he tried to get to work on time, but he was always late

And every day his boss would threaten to fire him before letting him get to work

Risking his employment might not have been the smartest thing in the world, but he had problems

Look, he wasn’t a morning person, but he would work till well past midnight

You know what, maybe he wasn’t late, but since he worked deep into the night, maybe he was really…

Loop (an acrostic poem)


Looking at the arrow of time, he felt that it was wrong. It didn’t explain his bouts of DeJa’Vu.

Oh, that’s why he had spent so much of his life putting together this machine from those moments.

Only did he have the balls to press the button and see what would happen?

Pushing it he winked out of time.  When he woke up he had a feeling he should make a time machine…

Clock (an acrostic poem)


Counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds was painful

Letting my emotions swing back and forth, back and forth, twisting my gut in knots

Observing how life seems to move in slow motion making breathing difficult

Can’t seem to make those hands spin any faster, even if I stare so hard at the thing I go blind

Killing time sounds like it would be easy, but now I realize time is killing me instead

Cyborg (an acrostic poem)


Can’t think back to the days when I was 100% human

You know, when I did everything without some sort of enhancement

Began with a set of glasses, then came the phones

Over time, virtual reality crept in complete with the ability to feel the matrix

Reality became distorted into something malleable with AI and social media saturation

Gaining an augmented suit and grafting it to your skin might be a step too far? Probably not.