Mars (an acrostic poem)


Maybe there’s life, maybe there’s not.

A question scientists, philosophers, and poets have spent lifetimes trying to answer

Realizing we are not alone in this universe would change humanity forever.

So would cleaning up the mess we made on this planet, but that’s not as sexy.

Frail (an acrostic poem)


Finding courage to do the almost impossible mean he had to reach real deep.

Reach into depths he wasn’t sure he had.

And yet, here he was looking straight into the face of this next hurdle.

If he could just take a step forward here, his life would change forever for the good, but could he?

Looking at the parallel bars, he hoisted himself back up on them and tried to get his legs to walk.

Tempest (an acrostic poem)


The look in his eyes forecast a storm of emotions about to hit

Everything to this point had been smooth sailing on calm seas

Mentioning her name, though, had brought a sudden change for the worse

Pushing himself up out of his chair, he leveled a finger

Everyone was quiet, waiting for the lightning bolt of his anger to strike

So when the finger went back down without a word, well everyone thought the worst had past

That’s when he took one step forward and a rain of fists poured down

Pain (an acrostic poem)


Push your body past its self-imposed limits

And suffer the wrath of muscle, bone, and sinew

It can be mitigated by medication, but

Nothing will change what you feel, both short term and long, except for time.

Achieve (an acrostic poem)


Accept with grace that sometimes you will fail

Cherish those moments, no matter how hard they are

Here is where you learn the most

It is akin to putting a puzzle together

Everything was once one picture before being forced to shatter

Vividly the picture can be reconstructed, but the outlines of what happen will always be there

Embrace that change and then reach for the next level

Serendipity (an acrostic poem)


Sometimes it’s those flukes of luck that change the world

Everyone thinks it is greatness, but so much is being in the right place at the right time

Realizing that you are in that moment for a reason

Engaging in what needs to be done to create your new normal

Now sometimes it is pure happenstance

Dumb luck if you will

It can be such a blessing

Perhaps it was more than that, though

It was a break waiting for you to come along to happen

That you were, for that moment in time, the chosen one

You just need to accept the honor

Pockets (an acrostic poem)


Putting her hands somewhere was always a chore

Obviously, she could just leave them at her sides.  That would be normal

Carry a purse to bring small change and a set of keys.  You know the usual

Keep some spare currency tucked away with the girls  Happens all the time.

Everything is done to preserve that everyday hourglass silhouette.

Too bad she was more of a digital watch girl.

So that’s why she wore jeans today since they have…

