Perform (an acrostic poem)


Putting on a show for the common folk was what she lived for daily.

Every line of hers was delivered to maximize her carefully crafted character.

Revealing plot with a sly smile or a modest wink.

Focusing on how she walked, and when to stay perfectly still to allow another to lead.

Of course she was a diva and had the starring role.

Really, who else would ever be able to give a better rendition of her character?

Must be she was born for this part!  Now if she could just discover when this play called “Life” ended.

Pastry (an acrostic poem)


Putting the crispy layers of butter and sugar in his mouth.

And feeling it melt on his tongue, he let out a low moan.

Soooooo good!

The problem was he was diabetic and knew what he was doing to his body.

Reaching for another, he banished those thoughts.

You only lived once, and maybe science would figure out the whole artificial pancreas soon.

Brash (an acrostic poem)


Beating a dead horse became his specialty.

Railing against the machine his mission in life.

All he lived for was to troll as many people as he could on Twitter.

So it was surprising when he found a woman who would put up with his shenanigans.

Her secret?  She bought his mama’s house and locked him inside the basement.

Sing (an acrostic poem)


Songs rang through the night, raising everyone’s spirits

It made the darkness come alive with magical moments

No one was ever going to forget it for the rest of their lives

Given that the ghosts were slaughtering all those that lived, their memories didn’t have to last for long.

Atlas (an acrostic poem)


All of Jessie’s life could be seen in the lines engraved into his face

They told of the many laughs and smiles, the tears and anger, written throughout the years  

Looking in the mirror, he reminisced a life lived hard

As he traced those wrinkles, he wondered about the upcoming Botox injection and smoothing it all over

Soul searching if he really wanted to lose that history…  Jessie left with his map intact

Quest (an acrostic poem)


Quitting the task had never crossed his mind

Unless you counted when he woke up, most of the time during the day, and just before sleeping

Every moment he thought about stopping he somehow found the will to finish it

So when that music in his head announced he was finally done, he let out a sigh of relief

That was short-lived since he realized all he had been doing was just a side…

Civil (an acrostic poem)


Chivalry seemed to be such an outdated idea

It meant treating everyone with respect

Vance always added “that they deserve” to the end of that phrase

It was the motto by which he lived his life

Leaving him the moral ground to do what he pleased, and he did so

Travel (an acrostic poem)


The ability to go where you want when you want was so curtailed

Reduced to going to and fro between rooms in your own place

And that was a dream luxury if you lived a studio apartment

Viewing those same four walls every day, day in, day out, hour after hour

Eventually even the strongest of will would start to feel incarcerated

Leaving one to make marks on the wall to mark doing your COVID time

Scars (an acrostic poem)

So you have some marks on you from life’s battles

Can’t have lived without acquiring a few

And you have lived, so show them some fondness

Remember they help make you the unique person you are

So be proud and keep fighting.  You’re worth it!

