Oomph (an acrostic conversation)

Image: i2.wp.com/www.bioenergyconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/glitter-environment-pollution.jpg

Okay, the impact of your work seems a little… wimpy.”

Oh?  What do you have in mind?”

Maybe add a bit more color and some extra pizzazz.”

Perhaps you would also like sparkly glitter to add some spice?”

Hey.  I don’t want it to be gaudy.  I just want visual…”

Feather (an acrostic poem)

Image: images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/falling-feather-mika-virtanen.jpg

Falling into another bout of depression, worried how much it was going to hurt when she found bottom.

Each moment filled with the dread that this was the best, and the worst was yet to come.

And no matter what happened, she was right that it got worse, and she plummeted faster and faster

The end was never in sight.

Her mind was paralyzed

Every moment an eternity

Reaching out, she got the help she needed.  There were still times she fell, but now it was like a…

Confusion (an acrostic poem)

Image: media.npr.org/assets/img/2015/12/14/confused-c2e1e9d14491a9486d996da945debcc9d6ce7170-s1100-c50.jpg

Can’t find my mental keys amongst the clutter of my mind.

Old ideas and memories shuffled with plans for the future and a recipe for Sloppy Joes.

Nothing has any rhyme or reason, no matter the time or the season.

Focus is blown out and my cerebral white balance is just not there.

Under such conditions, simple things that constitute a life seem overly fuzzy.

So what do I do to get through this chaos with a chance to make ptogress?

It’s simple, but I don’t remember where I put that particular memo.

Oh, I have some hope, because it’s around here somewhere.

Now if I could just recall how much garlic goes into those Sloppy Joes.

Fragment (an acrostic poem)

Image: media.artsper.com/artwork/1076358_4_m.jpg

Finding bits and pieces of his life scattered across his shattered mind.

Random memories pop in and out with no context or connections.

And the voices that seemed impossible and possible at the same time.

Giving him advice, arguing with each other, singing random songs…

Meant that any idea of normal was difficult to ascertain.

Every day was a journey through a desert of identity.

Never knowing where an oasis of “him” could be found.

To drink from that elusive water instead of the seemingly endless Styx flowing through his soul.

Maker (an acrostic poem)

Image: msbethhughes.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/canvas1.jpg

Magic wasn’t going to happen if he didn’t get his buns in gear.

And yet he sat there with a brush in his hand and an empty canvas in front of him.

Keeping his mind in suspense as his imagination decided at that moment to go get a sandwich.

Everything he tried to get over that impasse seemed to make matters worse.

Reaching for a drink, he gestured at the canvas.  “You live for another day.  I think I’ll bake bread instead!”

Times (an acrostic poem)

Image: static01.nyt.com/images/2023/04/16/books/review/7ODELL-COVER/7ODELL-COVER-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg

The ideas began to multiply inside my mind.

It soon became clear that I had more of them than I had seconds left in my life.

Maybe prioritizing projects based on reward and effort needed would be helpful.

Except that meant knowing all the variables, and I just couldn’t do that calculus.

So in the end, I played a game.  You might think that’s lazy, but I say it’s a sign of the…

Rumble (an acrostic poem)

Image: products3.imgix.drizly.com/ci-kraken-rum-gold-spiced-rum-3072caaeb1d38e59.jpeg

Reaching for the door he stumbled and fell

Under his prone body, the earth danced and shook

Maybe it was the rum shots of rum, but he then saw a painting fall

Being of not-so-sound mind, he laughed at the irony

Liquid courage surged through his veins as he managed to stand again

Except that’s when the house fell around him, so he joined it and cried.

Optical (an acrostic poem)

Image: science-sparks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/shutterstock_1194072568-scaled.jpg

Overhead the clouds obscured the sun

Putting mute the prism’s ability to split light into colors

That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the thing

It allowed her to see shapes in mind-bending ways

Causing her to giggle with delight

And when the sun finally did come out…

Light was cleaved into a rainbow, and she got to be a leprechaun.  Now where was that gold?

Thread (an acrostic poem)

Image: cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/thenational/DAQLCHNTO3JYLYDLPZUZQTHAIU.jpg

The information dragged on and on as far as the mind’s eye could see

Her imagination trying to scoop it up and deposit it into memory

Research she knew she would use later

Examining lines of thought and spinning them together

As she wrote down her ideas

Determined to weave her story

Hmmm (an acrostic poem)

Image: cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0200/7616/products/DSC00054_grande.png

He looked at the puzzle in front of him and pondered

Maybe if he twisted his mind just so?  No that didn’t work.

Maybe if he prodded the problem over there?  Nope, that wasn’t the key

Maybe he should just leave everything alone, but then what would she say when she was ignored?