Noodles (an acrostic poem)


Nothing like slurping down long lines of flavor.

Or when they are all done, sipping the tasty broth that was left behind.

Oh, how his tummy felt nice and full when he was done.

Didn’t care if the base was chicken or beef or vegetable or fish.

Look, as long as those tender, slightly chewy, lengths of pasta were drenched in it, he was happy.

Especially with a bit of a spicy kick to make sure his tastebuds would wake up.

So when he was asked what he wanted for lunch, his obvious reply was…

Hint (an acrostic poem)


Her bemused smirk told him he was being made fun of

It didn’t help though, since if he asked about its meaning she would belittle him even more

Now if she made up the whole thing, well if he let that go she would hold that against him for years

That’s why he studied her. Was hent even a word? He hoped she would give him even the slightest…

Face (an acrostic poem)


Feeling where his eyes, his cheekbones, and his jaw were. It gave her a quick mental picture.

Alice smiled.  He was a handsome boy for sure.

Clyde asked her, “Would you like to see how my lips feel?”

Everything stopped as his lips pressed against hers.

Pair (an acrostic poem)


Putting two together was the desired goal of most people

And in some things, she would agree with them. 

It didn’t apply to her socks. People always asked if her dryer ate one of them

Reality was she only bought singles since she usually got dressed in the dark.

Sample (an acrostic conversation)


So I want to try it before I buy”

“As if! That’s not how this works, Honey.”

Maybe not usually, but I want to make sure I like it before my purchase.”

Please! Look. What is there not to like? I promise it will be mind-blowing.”

Let me just try it for a short little bit. You know they say the customer’s always right.”

Everyone’s a comedian. Instead of the job you asked for, why don’t you blow off!”

Height (an acrostic poem)


How high in the air was he right now?

Everything looked like it was so far away

It made him giggle with glee.

Gesturing he asked her, “Is this how you see everything?”

Her slap to his shoulder threw him off balance.  “Why did you do that?”

That’s when she took her glasses off his face.

Fear (an acrostic poem)


Focusing on what caused him to tremble

Embracing the terror he held in his hand

Allowed him to rise above that base emotion and use it to his advantage

Reaching for the top of the box he opened it and asked, “Will you marry me?”

Angle (an acrostic conversation)


And that’s when I asked about his heavy drinking past”

Now that’s a new one.  I never knew he did that.”

Gonna confess, he doesn’t have one”

Let me get this right, you asked someone about a past you know they didn’t have?”

Everyone has a ghost, I just picked the wrong haunted house.”

Ignored (an acrostic conversation)


I see you haven’t been paying attention to me.

Give me a break.  I always pay attention to you.

No, you’re not.  I can prove it.

Okay Ms. Smarty Pants, present your evidence.

Randy, you just told me I could paint a mural on your truck.

Evidently you didn’t know I was secretly hoping you would.

Dumbass, I actually asked you to pass the chips!



Sling (an acrostic poem)

So it was a David versus Goliath affair

Liam felt his hopes dangling on the edge of a cliff

If he ever lost faith that he had a chance

Nobody would fault him, but

Giving his shoulders a heave he walked over and asked her out

